Iranian Woman Refuses to Deny Christ - Naghmeh Panahi Naghmeh was born and raised in the Middle East until she was nine years old when her family moved to the United States. In 2001 Naghmeh returned …More
Iranian Woman Refuses to Deny Christ - Naghmeh Panahi

Naghmeh was born and raised in the Middle East until she was nine years old when her family moved to the United States. In 2001 Naghmeh returned to Iran as a young adult and lived there for many years experiencing the oppression and violence women are subjected to everyday in the Middle East. In 2012, her husband Saeed Abedini was arrested while visiting Iran. Because of Saeed’s plight Naghmeh was able to bring worldwide attention not only to Saeed’s imprisonment in Iran, but also to the plight of the persecuted Christians worldwide. She publicly advocated for his release to President Obama, Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump, the U.S. Congress, the United Nations, and nearly every major news outlet over the course of three and a half years while he was in prison.

I was standing in front of their, like the head of that detention center, and he said : “What is your faith? If you say you're Muslim, you can go out this door right now. If you say you're Christian, you're going to be tortured, you're going to be raped, and you're going to die.” I opened my mouth and I said : “I'm Christian. And that guy was shocked that I said that. And he said, tell me your testimony, that's going to be against you for your case. Because In Iran, being a Christian carries the death penalty or long term imprisonment. So I shared my testimony, and this man, at the end of that whole ordeal ended up crying and asking for the Bible.
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