"Fr." James Altman Says Bergoglio is Not the Pope - Reaction Recently, "Fr" James Altman has publicly declared that Francis is not the Pope: this is in fact, true - Francis is an antipope according to …More
"Fr." James Altman Says Bergoglio is Not the Pope - Reaction
Recently, "Fr" James Altman has publicly declared that Francis is not the Pope: this is in fact, true - Francis is an antipope according to Catholic teaching. Altman brings up several reasons why Francis is not the Pope. However, even though Altman is correct that Francis is a false claimant to the Papacy, he wrongly believes that Mother Theresa is a "saint" when she participated in the abominable rituals of false religions like Hinduism & Buddhism. Altman also considers Antipopes John XXIII, Paul VI & John Paul II to be "saints" when each them taught heresy & commited acts of public heresy. For Altman to accept these heretical individuals as "saints" is to approve of & praise participation in false religious worship, heresy & idolatry. Amidst coming to the truth about Francis, Altman's errors are the result of a much bigger problem that came long before Jorge Bergoglio was "elected" antipope: the main problem is the heretical …More