Vatican Official Denounces Santa Muerte as 'Sinister and Infernal'

Vatican Official Denounces Santa Muerte as 'Sinister and Infernal'

The Mexican offensive against Santa Muerte (Saint Death) launched by former president, Felipe Calderon, has now gone global. In an interview last week with a Peruvian Catholic news site (Aciprensa), the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, condemned the cult of the skeleton saint as "sinister and infernal."

Most of the statements made by Mexican bishops imply that devotees of Santa Muerte engage in Satanism unknowingly. Church officials can point to high profile criminal cases in which Santa Muertistas have committed heinous crimes in the name of the skeletal folk saint.

Human sacrifice, narco-assassinations and other lurid crimes have been committed in Mexico and to a lesser extent here in the U.S. by a small minority of devotees who believe that Saint Death sanctions if not blesses such nefarious deeds.

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Some, not all, Mexicans , are very superstitious with some almost macabre traditions and beliefs. On there bingo game called Lotteria they even have a card of San Muerte.
The feast of All Souls Day or Dia de Los Muertos is probably the biggest proof of this. Shops with little curios of skeltons dressed in clothing of professionals, musicans, even religious adorn the windows. Dulces (candy) of sugar …More
Some, not all, Mexicans , are very superstitious with some almost macabre traditions and beliefs. On there bingo game called Lotteria they even have a card of San Muerte.
The feast of All Souls Day or Dia de Los Muertos is probably the biggest proof of this. Shops with little curios of skeltons dressed in clothing of professionals, musicans, even religious adorn the windows. Dulces (candy) of sugar skulls with the names of boys and girls are sold. People go to the cemeteries with flowers, food and alcohol to place on the graves of their loved ones.Traditions also connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased. I think these customs can be datied back hundreds of years to the Aztecs, They had a goddess of the underworld named Mictecacihuatl who was said to be in charge of the bones of the underworld.
We all know who rules the underworld, don't we? None other than Satan himself. If we just crack the door, we can be sure that Satan will slip through at any opportunity! 🙏
Good. I am glad they made a clear stance against this evil! I just hope the bishops and cardinals agree..
Its like the cult "Santeria" but goes to the next level of Evil!
The devil really hates God's Saints!
Queen of all Saints please show the Mexican people the truth at how evil this is and crush the head of this serpent! AMEN!
🙏 🙏 🙏More

Its like the cult "Santeria" but goes to the next level of Evil!

The devil really hates God's Saints!

Queen of all Saints please show the Mexican people the truth at how evil this is and crush the head of this serpent! AMEN!

🙏 🙏 🙏
Wow! that is really satanic. pray for the Mexicans too.
Hay Zeus
This is really evil stuff.
I was reading where the Mexicans are really big with this crazy stuff. It has to be truly Satanic.