Pięć kazań z Ewangelii wg św. Mateusza. Kazanie Ks. Reto Nay podczas rekolekcji wielkopostnych w duszpasterstwie akademickim "Wawrzyny" we Wrocławiu. 27. marca 2011, Kazanie pierwsze.More
Pięć kazań z Ewangelii wg św. Mateusza.

Kazanie Ks. Reto Nay podczas rekolekcji wielkopostnych w duszpasterstwie akademickim "Wawrzyny" we Wrocławiu.
27. marca 2011, Kazanie pierwsze.
Tez chetnie bym poznal i porozmawial po angielsku, prosze pisac na tomluka@habmalnefrage.de
Tez chetnie bym poznal i porozmawial po angielsku, prosze pisac na tomluka@habmalnefrage.de

jak sie nazywa ta tlumaczka, chetnie bym ją poznal. Pisać na stachu_mistrzu@op.pl
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Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.
Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011More
Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.

Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011
+Praise God! For me this was the perfect homily, like getting baptized again. May God reward you. I have confessed weekly for about 9yrs as that was advised as the best way to draw closer to Jesus and it's true...it's one humbling failure after another and you realize how much you need the grace to do what God asks as it generally seems impossible and the virtues are all difficult when tested by …More
+Praise God! For me this was the perfect homily, like getting baptized again. May God reward you. I have confessed weekly for about 9yrs as that was advised as the best way to draw closer to Jesus and it's true...it's one humbling failure after another and you realize how much you need the grace to do what God asks as it generally seems impossible and the virtues are all difficult when tested by those who target you with hatred for simply being at peace with God or associated with an imperfect Church or sincerely practicing the faith. Lord have mercy. We're all works in progress but joyfully in the Holy Spirit's hands. Peace!
Sama uczestniczylam w tych rekolekcjach 🚬 i musze powiedziec, ze byl to dla mnie niesamowity czas 😌 Ks. Reto mowi o bardzo glebokich rzeczach w bardzo prosty sposob 😉 Zachecam wszystkich, by wykroic sobie te pol godziny i poluchac tego
Piec kazan Jezusa uczy nas postepowania przez cale zycie. Nie da sie ukryc ze to pewna zacheta dla tych, ktorych przeraza gruba Biblia.
🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗
Piękne kazanie!!!
The interpreter’s many facial expressions such as sideward
smiles, raised eyebrows, beseeching looks and enquiring
glances were captivating. A challenging homily for all.