chris griffin
Priests can partake in the sin of abortion during Confession according to the Council of Trent
“The priests of the Lord must therefore, so far as reason and prudence suggest, impose salutary and suitable satisfactions, in keeping with the nature of the crimes and the ability of the penitents; otherwise, if they should connive at sins and deal too leniently with penitents, imposing certain very …More
Priests can partake in the sin of abortion during Confession according to the Council of Trent

“The priests of the Lord must therefore, so far as reason and prudence suggest, impose salutary and suitable satisfactions, in keeping with the nature of the crimes and the ability of the penitents; otherwise, if they should connive at sins and deal too leniently with penitents, imposing certain very light works for very grave offenses, they might become partakers in the sins of others.” Fourteenth Session of the Council of Trent | EWTN[58-59]

“connive in sins” various descriptions Connivance is the act of allowing wrongdoing to be covered up or overlooked, whether actively or passively; "Connivance" derives from the Latin coniveo: "to close the eyes, to overlook."; In theological terms, connivance is a useful term, especially for the passive allowance of immoral behavior; culpable indifference or criminal sympathy with the sin; Wink at his fault, and forbear to accuse and punish him; indifference to precise regulations of religion, indisposition of heart towards "perfect holiness"; a loose and easy content over failings and negligence. If you are partakers of their sins, you must be of their punishments too.

“Conniving at sin” is a sin in the Bible: Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Lev 19:17. Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22

“deal too leniently with penitents” We know that Trent teaches that penance for sins should correspond to each other such as "Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of penance" Matthew 3:8, “I will give unto every one of you according to your works.” Rev 2:23

“Partakers in the sins of others” means that the offending priest is liable for and shares, has a portion of and participates in the sin of abortion. PARTA'KER, n. One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator.

The Council gave their religious reasoning for appropriate penance and not “deal[ing] too leniently with penitents… “For without doubt, these satisfactions greatly restrain from sin, check as it were with a bit, and make penitents more cautious and vigilant in the future; they also remove remnants of sin, and by acts of the opposite virtues destroy habits acquired by evil living. Neither was there ever in the Church of God any way held more certain to ward off impending chastisement by the Lord than that men perform with true sorrow of mind these works of penance.” [50]

Background: The Ecumenical Council of Trent has proved to be of the greatest importance for the development of the inner life of the Church. No council has ever had to accomplish its task under more serious difficulties, none has had so many questions of the greatest importance to decide. Home > Catholic Encyclopedia > T > Council of Trent

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Pieter Wycoff
Penitents (those who are truly remorseful and desiring not only absolution but separation from sin) will need remedies that will move them in said direction. If a priest addresses a serious sin lightly, it sends a wrong message and doesn’t direct the penitent down the proper path of true repentance.
We need to pray for our priests more so that we and they will develop a desire and willingness for …More
Penitents (those who are truly remorseful and desiring not only absolution but separation from sin) will need remedies that will move them in said direction. If a priest addresses a serious sin lightly, it sends a wrong message and doesn’t direct the penitent down the proper path of true repentance.

We need to pray for our priests more so that we and they will develop a desire and willingness for holiness.
Hound of Heaven
This is a burden/cost of which our priests must be made more fully aware theologically, spiritually, and morally. 'Kindness', or leniency, is false mercy, and, ultimately, helps neither the penitent's nor the confessor's souls.
Vincent Capuano shares this
Priests can partake in the sin of abortion during Confession according to the Council of Trent
“The priests of the Lord must therefore, so far as reason and prudence suggest, impose salutary and suitable satisfactions, in keeping with the nature of the crimes and the ability of the penitents; otherwise, if they should connive at sins and deal too leniently with penitents, imposing certain very …More
Priests can partake in the sin of abortion during Confession according to the Council of Trent

“The priests of the Lord must therefore, so far as reason and prudence suggest, impose salutary and suitable satisfactions, in keeping with the nature of the crimes and the ability of the penitents; otherwise, if they should connive at sins and deal too leniently with penitents, imposing certain very light works for very grave offenses, they might become partakers in the sins of others.” Fourteenth Session of the Council of Trent | EWTN[58-59]

“connive in sins” various descriptions Connivance is the act of allowing wrongdoing to be covered up or overlooked, whether actively or passively; "Connivance" derives from the Latin coniveo: "to close the eyes, to overlook."; In theological terms, connivance is a useful term, especially for the passive allowance of immoral behavior; culpable indifference or criminal sympathy with the sin; Wink at his fault, and forbear to accuse and punish him; indifference to precise regulations of religion, indisposition of heart towards "perfect holiness"; a loose and easy content over failings and negligence. If you are partakers of their sins, you must be of their punishments too.

“Conniving at sin” is a sin in the Bible: Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Lev 19:17. Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22

“deal too leniently with penitents” We know that Trent teaches that penance for sins should correspond to each other such as "Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of penance" Matthew 3:8, “I will give unto every one of you according to your works.” Rev 2:23

“Partakers in the sins of others” means that the offending priest is liable for and shares, has a portion of and participates in the sin of abortion. PARTA'KER, n. One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator.

The Council gave their religious reasoning for appropriate penance and not “deal[ing] too leniently with penitents… “For without doubt, these satisfactions greatly restrain from sin, check as it were with a bit, and make penitents more cautious and vigilant in the future; they also remove remnants of sin, and by acts of the opposite virtues destroy habits acquired by evil living. Neither was there ever in the Church of God any way held more certain to ward off impending chastisement by the Lord than that men perform with true sorrow of mind these works of penance.” [50]

Background: The Ecumenical Council of Trent has proved to be of the greatest importance for the development of the inner life of the Church. No council has ever had to accomplish its task under more serious difficulties, none has had so many questions of the greatest importance to decide. Home > Catholic Encyclopedia > T > Council of Trent