Nie szanuję islamu. Witam, jest to Mona Walter! To jest dla ludzi, którzy napisali do mnie ostatniej nocy i poprosił mnie, aby przestać mówić o islamie i szanować islam. Mówiłeś "Szanuj moją religię" …More
Nie szanuję islamu.

Witam, jest to Mona Walter!
To jest dla ludzi, którzy napisali do mnie ostatniej nocy
i poprosił mnie, aby przestać mówić o islamie i szanować islam.
Mówiłeś "Szanuj moją religię"
Jeśli ktoś przychodzi do was, on bije cię, łamią je,
narusza twoją matkę, narusza swoją córkę,
zabija swojego ojca, twojego brata i całą rodzinę,
zajmuje całą swoją ziemię, a on zabrania ci wielbić Boga swojego,
będzie zgodne z tą osobą? Nie!
To jest to, co twoja religia jest dla mnie i dla moich braci chrześcijan
Irak, Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia i na całym świecie.
To jest to, co dla nas chrześcijan islam. To, co islam do chrześcijan w ciągu ostatnich 1400 lat.
To jest to, co Mahomet zrobił i to muzułmanie.
To, co dobre muzułmanie, którzy się proroka islamu zrobić.
Oni tylko za ich ukochanego proroka.
Co Islamskie Państwo w Iraku i obecnie Syrii
co robią, to jest to, co zawsze czynił, w Syrii, Iraku,
1400 lat temu.
I wszystko, co robią, jest zgodne z islamu i Koranu.
Jest to zgodne z hadith, to jest zgodnie z Islam.
To jest Twój "Bóg", to Bóg twój, który mówi A do Z w Koranie zabić.
W każdym z rozdziałów Dżihad, al Bukhari Sahi mówi
zabijanie chrześcijan do ich ukrzyżować, leżąc na nich, ich oszukuje.
Jest wszędzie. Możesz przeczytać. Możesz przeczytać tę książeczkę z hadisów.
I to jest to, co mówi. To jest twoja religia. To jest twoja religia, która mnie atakuje,
tylko dlatego, że jestem chrześcijaninem. To jest twoja religia jest moja attaque.Il
tak lekceważący, aby zapytać mnie szanować islam. ja
nie szanować islam. Islam nie zasługują na szacunek. Jeśli ci się nie podoba
Piszę o islamie ... Właściwie, to nie pisać dobrze, jestem po prostu kopiowanie
co jest napisane w tej książce i zamieścić na Facebooku

MONA WALTER EX-muzułmanin nawrócił się na chrześcijaństwo

Les musulmans iront en enfer - abbé Pagès
apvs and one more user link to this post
pacem shares this

Dr. John Smythe
@michael newman - is there something you and @Dr Stuart Reiss would like to confess on here before it is exposed? Out of Catholic charity, I feel it might be a good idea to give you that chance.
As you like. I've already say openly all what I tell you in private, and warned moderation.
Thanks for your feedback. With my respects +
Les musulmans iront en enfer - abbé Pagès
Bla bla bla... :)
I only take exemple on you, who does bad allegations on me :) Blessing +
8 more comments from apvs
Bla bla bla...
And finally, here we are : you (and dr SR) hate french people :) Perhaps because of Ste Jeannes d'Arc, and historical aspects ? :) it's your problem, mister, not mine. Your problem before God. I like my country, England as well, and all others country :) Blessing +More
Bla bla bla...

And finally, here we are : you (and dr SR) hate french people :) Perhaps because of Ste Jeannes d'Arc, and historical aspects ? :) it's your problem, mister, not mine. Your problem before God. I like my country, England as well, and all others country :) Blessing +
@michael newman There is no need to have your experience to have a very clear idea of what is islam.
If you lack knowledge, so go see here :
Les musulmans iront en enfer - abbé Pagès
And be careful playing bodyguard of dr Stuart Reiss : you risk becoming complicit in his wickedness. I explained everything here (monday 15h03) Gloria.TV News on the 25th of …More
@michael newman There is no need to have your experience to have a very clear idea of what is islam.
If you lack knowledge, so go see here :
Les musulmans iront en enfer - abbé Pagès

And be careful playing bodyguard of dr Stuart Reiss : you risk becoming complicit in his wickedness. I explained everything here (monday 15h03) Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015
In suprime message, he cites Nostra Aetate, and insult me. Besides, what he did not tell you is that he was asked me to remove them, and to annoy him, I had left on my page : it is the moderation which removed them :) so funny :) :) :)
Also, I'm here obeying St Paul and the Gospel:
Ephesians 5.10
What is well pleasing to the Lord;
and will take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is shameful to say what they do in secret; but all that is reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

I conclude that you too condemn St Paul?
You probably also find that …More
Also, I'm here obeying St Paul and the Gospel:

Ephesians 5.10
What is well pleasing to the Lord;
and will take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is shameful to say what they do in secret; but all that is reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

I conclude that you too condemn St Paul?
You probably also find that Christ is no love when it denounces the acts of the Pharisees, outwardly good believers, inside whitewashed tombs? How dare he insult ??? Who does it takes ???
Well I'm not ashamed to say that I try to imitate him, for He is my God and my All, I believe in Him, the Son of God our only Saviour, I hope in Him and I love Him with all my heart, all my soul, with all my strength and all my mind, above all, before anything else.
Dear Michael, despite your free and unfounded attack (if it makes you happy, that's something!) I'm glad you finally have the courage to talk about what you know for yourself, which is much more solid than your previous attacks against the SSPX.
But why, dear sir, do you want at all costs to make me say what I did not say? To better accuse me ??? There is no question here of Islam based on the …More
Dear Michael, despite your free and unfounded attack (if it makes you happy, that's something!) I'm glad you finally have the courage to talk about what you know for yourself, which is much more solid than your previous attacks against the SSPX.
But why, dear sir, do you want at all costs to make me say what I did not say? To better accuse me ??? There is no question here of Islam based on the Koran, that is to say, a tyrannical and violent totalitarian political system from the devil, and operated by ISIS, Boko Haram and others.
He is not here to condemn all poor people who think they are Muslims, while they are only seeking God handled, ie Christians who were prevented from discovering their Savior, Jesus Christ !
But you talk about your experience of the Muslim world: let me tell you about mine! I worked with Muslims, and they openly boasted beat their wives! This does not bother them more than that, the good guys! How many times a Muslim assaulted me verbally because he could not convert me to his pagan mythology! And how brave Muslims do not come complaining to me, telling me that they felt like prisoners of all rules imposed by Islam. Stupid and inhumane rules! Should we not seek to convert Muslims to the Catholic faith, the only one able to make free men and women? Do you know what the oppression of men over women in Islam? It does not interest you ???
Your link gives a different light and very useful on the issue. I had already looked, and I was deeply moved by this little girl. Maybe you believe me, anyway, that's the truth.
I do not pretend to have my link to exhaust the subject, it must broaden its perspective to infinity, because love is limitless. I don't pretend to be a saint, but I do my best, and I hope in God's Mercy.
In fact , dear …More
Your link gives a different light and very useful on the issue. I had already looked, and I was deeply moved by this little girl. Maybe you believe me, anyway, that's the truth.
I do not pretend to have my link to exhaust the subject, it must broaden its perspective to infinity, because love is limitless. I don't pretend to be a saint, but I do my best, and I hope in God's Mercy.
In fact , dear Michael, you make a mistake : I don't comment anything here, or my personal comments are not so important . Actually, I've just post a video, just like you, to give voice to a person who's worthy to speak about islam.
But perhaps you've not any knowledge about islam : then I sugest you to have a look here www.youtube.com/user/AbbePagesWorldwide
I don't hate anyboby, I don't hate you. May St. Michael the Archangel defend you with his sword against the enemy that seeks to devour you, to enlighten you with his light, and protects you under his wing !
In the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary +
You are Isis ? Enchanted ! ... And me Cyrano-Savinien-Hercule De Bergerac. God bless you +
Dear Michael, thank you for your comment ! Yes it's a war of information. We all must know better what's islam. I apologise in front of you to sit on a chair when I'm on Gtv (unlike you ? ) Mona Walter don't speak without getting deeply involved ( you may have a look : www.nerrati.net/afrique-dossier/index.php )
Open your eys this is reality unless you are muslim
Dr. John Smythe
Why is the @Dr Stuart Reiss still on this site? After all of these comments of his that have to be removed constantly and consistently, one would think all the warnings given to him would make any sane, normal person, stop and think and then correct their negative behaviour(s).
Only God is great, not Allahu!
Gdy jesteś atakowany, masz prawo do kandydowania do swoich napastników, nie są śmieszne, jeśli to zrobisz.
Islam nie jest neutralna, jest agresywny ruch, i chce się nawrócić świat, do zniewolenia (w szczególności kobiety) ... Ale to jest nadal konieczne, aby podjąć trud, aby dowiedzieć się, otwórz oczy. To nie może być wymyślone.
Ale są ludzie, którzy nic nie wiedzą i są oburzeni, kiedy wypowiedzieć …More
Gdy jesteś atakowany, masz prawo do kandydowania do swoich napastników, nie są śmieszne, jeśli to zrobisz.
Islam nie jest neutralna, jest agresywny ruch, i chce się nawrócić świat, do zniewolenia (w szczególności kobiety) ... Ale to jest nadal konieczne, aby podjąć trud, aby dowiedzieć się, otwórz oczy. To nie może być wymyślone.
Ale są ludzie, którzy nic nie wiedzą i są oburzeni, kiedy wypowiedzieć przestępstwa.
Nawet niektórzy muzułmanie sobie sprawę, że są one zagrożeniem dla ludzkości, i powiedzieć to głośno i wyraźnie! Dziękujemy im.
Gregory N
A brave woman.