Zázraky Panny Márie. Zázraky Panny Márie - Vnešenosti Panny Marie. Sv. Alfons Maria de Liguori rozpráva - V Perugii uzavrel akýsi mladík zmluvu s diablom za to, že mu pomohl spáchať hriech. Keď …More
Zázraky Panny Márie.

Zázraky Panny Márie - Vnešenosti Panny Marie. Sv. Alfons Maria de Liguori rozpráva - V Perugii uzavrel akýsi mladík zmluvu s diablom za to, že mu pomohl spáchať hriech. Keď Satan chcel za to mladíkovu dušu, nútil ho, aby skočil do studne.Nešťastný muž sa však bál skočiť do studne a nahováral satana, nech mu v tom pomôže, že aby ho sám do studne hodil. Zlý duch ale ho nemohol zahubiť pre sv. škapuliar. Zlý duch ale ho nemohol zahubiť dokiaľ mal nešťastník u seba škapuliar. Zlý duch mladíkovi potom povedal - ja ale ťa nem?Z toho sebevrah spoznal moc Panny Marie, získal dôveru polepšil sa a vyspovedal sa.Viac tu: jezismaria.weebly.com/vnesenosti-pann…
bozie-milosrdenstvo-svata-faustina9.webnode.skôžem hodiť do studne. Bráni mi v tom škapuliar čo nosiš na krku- ale keď ho dáš z krku preč, potom ťa budem mocť hodil do studne a zabiť ťa.

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EXAMPLE- A young num in Perugia promised the devil, that if he
would enable him to attain a sinful object he had in view,
he would give him his soul, and he gave him a written
contract to this effect, signed in his own blood. When
the crime had been committed, the devil demanded the
performance of the promise; and for this purpose led him
to the brink of a well, at the same time threatening, that
if he did not
throw himself in, he would drag him, body
and soul, to hell. The wretched youth, thinking that it
would be impossible to escape from his hands, got on the

little parapet to cast himself in ; but terrified at the idea
of death, he told the devil that he had not courage to take
the leap, but that if he was determined on his death, he
must push him in.

The young man wore a scapular of
the Dolours of Mary, the devil therefore said, take off that
scapular, and then I will push thee in.

But the youth, discovening in the sacapdar the protection still vouchsafed
to him by the Divine Mother, refused to do so, and at
Length, after much altercation, the devil, filled with confusion,
departed; and the sinner, grateful to his sorrowful
Mother, went to thank her, and penitent for his sins,
presented as a a votive offering to her altar in the church of
Sancta Maria la Nuova, in Peruga, a picture of what had
taken place.

Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers,
thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and
who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast
reason to weep. Who can ever console thee?
Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je
sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open
ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath
gained so many souls. From that throne of the
cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which,
conquered by his love, would serve him with.


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Miracles of the Mother of God
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Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Jesus Christ asks for the Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa - ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/consecration-of…
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Atheist Abortionist Doctor Sees Unforgettable Vision on Apparition Hill – “Everything changed before my eyes” Her Life is Never the Same.
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Vicka speaks about her trip with the Gospa (Madonna, the Virgin Mary) in the afterlife. Vision of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell
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Famous atheist believes after miracle at Medjugorje
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The love of God

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Conformity to the Will of God. St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri

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The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori
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March 25, 1992 Dear children! Today as never before I invite you to live my messages and to put them into practice in your life. I have come to you to help you and, therefore, I invite you to change your life because you have taken a path of misery, a path of ruin. When I told you: convert, pray, fast, be reconciled, you took these messages superficially. You started to live them and then you stopped, because it was difficult for you. No, dear children, when something is good, you have to persevere in the good and not think: God does not see me, He is not listening, He is not helping. And so you have gone away from God and from me because of your miserable interest.

I wanted to create of you an oasis of peace, love and goodness. God wanted you, with your love and with His help, to do miracles and, thus, give an example.

Therefore, here is what I say to you: Satan is playing with you and with your souls and I cannot help you because you are far away from my heart. Therefore, pray, live my messages and then you will see the miracles of God's love in your everyday life. Thank you for having responded to my call. www.medjugorje.org/msg92.htm

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Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

O most pure heart of Mary, full of goodness, show your love towards us. Let the flame of your heart, O Mary, descend on all people. We love you immensely. Impress on our hearts true love so that we may long for you. O Mary, gentle and humble of heart, remember us when we sin. You know that all people sin. Grant that through your most pure and motherly heart, we may be healed from every spiritual sickness. Grant that we may always experience the goodness of your motherly heart, and that through the flame of your heart we may be converted. Amen.

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The Rosary is the weapon for these times. God pass through the Blessed Mother. ~ St. Padre Pio.
Saint Padre Pio: Does satan get angry when we pray the Rosary. The rosary is my weapon. Saint Padre Pio prayed about 30-35 rosaries every day.

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According to him, the best way to attend the Holy Sacrifice is by uniting oneself to the Virgin of Sorrows at the foot of the cross, in compassion and love. It is only in Paradise, he assures his interlocutor, that we will learn of all the benefits that we received by assisting at Holy Mass.

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Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Jesus Christ asks for the Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa - ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/consecration-of…
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Atheist Abortionist Doctor Sees Unforgettable Vision on Apparition Hill – “Everything changed before my eyes” Her Life is Never the Same.
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Vicka speaks about her trip with the Gospa (Madonna, the Virgin Mary) in the afterlife. Vision of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell
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Famous atheist believes after miracle at Medjugorje
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The love of God

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Послание из Меджугорье, 25 Март, 1992
Потому молитесь, живите по Моим посланиям, и тогда вы увидите чудеса любви Божией в своей повседневной жизни."

"Дорогие дети, сегодня, как никогда раньше, Я призываю вас жить по Моим посланиям, воплощая их в вашу повседневную жизнь. Я пришла к вам, чтобы помочь, и поэтому Я призываю вас изменить вашу жизнь.

Вы вступили на путь несчастий, на путь гибели. Когда Я говорила вам: 'Обратитесь, молитесь, поститесь, примиритесь друг с другом', вы не приняли эти послания глубоко. Вы начали жить по ним, но потом отступили, ибо это было трудно для вас. Нет, дорогие дети! Если есть добрые начинания, требуется упорствовать в них и не думать: 'Бог не видит меня, не слышит и не помогает мне.' И что же?
Ради ваших сиюминутных интересов вы удалились от Бога и от Меня. Я хотела сделать из вас оазис мира, любви и доброты. Богу угодно было, чтобы вы своей любовью и с Его помощью совершали чудеса, подавая пример другим.

И поэтому вот что Я скажу вам: сатана играет вами и вашими душами, а Я не могу вам помочь, потому что вы далеко от Моего Сердца.

Потому молитесь, живите по Моим посланиям, и тогда вы увидите чудеса любви Божией в своей повседневной жизни. Спасибо, что ответили на Мой призыв.

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Medjugorje: Messaggio del 25 Marzo 1992 (Marija Pavlović)

Cari figli, oggi come mai prima vi invito a vivere i miei messaggi e a metterli in pratica nella vostra vita. Io sono venuta a voi per aiutarvi e perciò vi invito a cambiare vita, perché avete preso un misero cammino: la via della rovina. Quando vi ho detto:’pregate, digiunate, riconciliatevi’, avete preso questi messaggi superficialmente. Voi avete iniziato a viverli per poi, però, lasciarli perché era difficile.

No, cari figli! Quando qualcosa è bene, occorre perseverare nel bene e non pensare:’Dio non mi vede, non ascolta, non aiuta’. Così vi siete allontanati da Dio e da me per il vostro misero interesse. Io desideravo fare di voi un’oasi di pace, di amore, di bontà.

Dio desiderava che voi con il vostro amore e con il suo aiuto faceste miracoli e deste l’esempio;Perciò ecco che cosa vi dico:satana si prende gioco di voi e delle vostre anime e io non posso aiutarvi perché siete lontani dal mio cuore.

Perciò pregate e vivete i miei messaggi e così vedrete i miracoli dell’amore di Dio nella vostra vita quotidiana. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata!


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