In 1884, Pope Leo XIII issued a papal encyclical, Humanum Genus, strongly condemning Freemasonry. The encyclical declared that no one can join Freemasonry & remain a Catholic. He condemned any …More
In 1884, Pope Leo XIII issued a papal encyclical, Humanum Genus, strongly condemning Freemasonry. The encyclical declared that no one can join Freemasonry & remain a Catholic. He condemned any involvement with Freemasons, other than out of complete necessity or under the strictest of circumstances. Leo XIII also warned that secret societies were subverting governments, institutions & even churches in an attempt to destroy the Catholic Church.

Some time after the Holy See issued Humanum Genus, Albert Pike, the "Supreme Pontiff of Scottish Rite Freemasonry", sent a letter in reply. Albert Pike mocked & threatened the Catholic Church. He declared that Freemasonry was at war with the Church, arrogantly claimed that Freemasonry would rise & that the Catholic Church would fall.

Albert Pike wrote in his book "Morals and Dogma" that 'Lucifer is god' alongside the One True God. Elsewhere, Pike wrote that all 30th°, 31st° & 32nd° Scottish Rite Freemasons (which includes the 33°) hold the "Luciferian doctrine" — that means that Freemasons worship the devil.

Other papal decrees throughout Catholic history condemn Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism as well as the evils being taught in public schools today. True Popes like Leo XIII tried to warn of the dangers that we now face. This should show people who know about diabolical conspiracies like Freemasonry that the Catholic Church has always been against evil forces. The primary enemy of Freemasonry has always been the Bride of Christ, The Holy Catholic Church.

What people are dealing with in Rome right now is not the Catholic Church but the end times Whore of Babylon - a counterfeit, non-Catholic sect, prophesied to come in the final days. The Church has always been against grave sin, false religions & evil of any kind, while the Vatican II sect under Antipope Francis literally promotes grave sin. People need to become traditional Catholics in order to be saved.

The Popes Against Freemasonry - You Were Lied to About the Catholic Church