A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the verdict came in on the two WHO documents. Here’s what happened - the WHO has yet again been forced to extend the negotiation process for the Pandemic …More
A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, the verdict came in on the two WHO documents.
Here’s what happened - the WHO has yet again been forced to extend the negotiation process for the Pandemic Treaty by a year, pushing it to the next World Health Assembly.
They ran out of time despite repeatedly moving deadlines, breaking all schedule rules, and negotiating until as late as 4am!
You have been part of this crucial victory, and I thank you on behalf of my team and the millions of citizens who have participated in this epic battle against the UN elites!
This victory also gives us more time to keep fighting and keep the pressure on.

On the ground in Geneva, we were everywhere – from intense pressure on delegates and decision-makers to high-energy protests - our van was even stopped by the police, but that never deterred us.

Our two-year-long campaign has been a whirlwind of relentless effort - and it’s paying off!
The UN was infuriated by our presence
- because CitizenGO has been the relentless force against the Pandemic Treaty. We have been the ONLY ones, session after session, persistently standing firm and applying pressure from every angle to stall their sinister plans.
They thought their secrecy would protect them - that they could quietly push this through behind closed doors.
But then we showed up - and we have been their worst nightmare, ever since!
We exposed their plans, and they realized the power of our movement.
They were shaken, knowing the overwhelming pressure from countless voices outside was too immense to ignore.
This shows that when we unite and fight, we can achieve extraordinary results.
The Battle Isn’t Over
While we celebrate this victory, we must remain vigilant. There is still a huge battle to keep fighting.
Despite the missed deadline, the amendments to the International Health Regulations were approved by consensus, at the very last second, breaking every rule possible.
This is the second parallel document that pushes for the unilateral declaration of pandemic emergencies by the WHO, amongst other restrictive measures in times of “crises”.
They were just desperate to come out with something, so they managed to ram this through, with a third of the member states in the room!
They couldn't take a humiliating defeat from all sides, after everything they had invested. Their desperation is pathetic!
But they are fuming! As much as the WHO Director-General tries to cover it up, globalists are infuriated that they couldn’t progress in the way they had expected.
For now, this is just a quick update to keep you in the loop and report on what has just happened in Geneva - In a few days, you will receive a more complete report, with videos and photos of all the activities we have carried out these days, so you can feel proud of all that you have achieved.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for your unwavering support and relentless spirit. Without you, none of this is possible.
Let’s keep going, keep fighting, and keep winning because together, we are truly making a difference!
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO
PS: The fight isn't over! We'll keep pushing forward, louder and stronger than ever. Your support fuels our determination. Stay with us—together, we will make our voices impossible to ignore!
English Catholic
Everyone reading this: Please have a Mass offered or pray a rosary for the defeat of the World Health Organisation Treaty, coming up in 2025. If the treaty is passed, the sovereignty of every country regarding so-called health issues will be passed to the WHO, which means that no country will be able to exempt itself from any WHO diktat (abortion, mandatory vaccines etc).
These some of the WHO people …
Everyone reading this: Please have a Mass offered or pray a rosary for the defeat of the World Health Organisation Treaty, coming up in 2025. If the treaty is passed, the sovereignty of every country regarding so-called health issues will be passed to the WHO, which means that no country will be able to exempt itself from any WHO diktat (abortion, mandatory vaccines etc).
These some of the WHO people who need our prayers:
Director General: WHO Director-General
Regional Directors: Regional directors
Headquarters Leadership Team: WHO Headquarters Leadership Team
UK Ambassadors to WHO: Simon Manley / Gordon Brown