Dr. Judy Meissner
Dr. Judy Meissner

Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos

Where does the SSPX’s Position on the New Mass Come From?
TRUTH BE TOLD, the position expressed by this spokesman of the SSPX is simply a reaffirmation of the doctrinal and theological principles found in the Critical Study of the Novus Ordo Missae (New Mass) expressly prepared for Pope Paul VI in 1969 by Cardinals Alfredo Ottaviani and Antonio Bacci, along with 20 other Catholic bishops and …More
Where does the SSPX’s Position on the New Mass Come From?

TRUTH BE TOLD, the position expressed by this spokesman of the SSPX is simply a reaffirmation of the doctrinal and theological principles found in the Critical Study of the Novus Ordo Missae (New Mass) expressly prepared for Pope Paul VI in 1969 by Cardinals Alfredo Ottaviani and Antonio Bacci, along with 20 other Catholic bishops and theologians faithful to the Church’s Magisterium.

This Critical Study, which explicitly condemns the New Mass as “schismatic,” was NEVER been refuted by Paul VI nor has it been refuted by any other subsequent Pope. It has, however, been conveniently hidden away from the Catholics by the Modernist churchmen and the controlled-media.

These are the words found in the Critical Study of the Novus Ordo Missae written by prelates whose fidelity, orthodoxy and theological competency is above reproached:

<< “Today, division and schism are officially acknowledged to exist not only outside the Church, but within her as well. The Church's unity is not only threatened, but has already been tragically compromised. Errors against the Faith are not merely insinuated, but are--as has been likewise acknowledged--now forcibly imposed through liturgical abuses and aberrations.

To abandon a liturgical tradition which for four centuries stood as a sign and pledge of unity in worship, and to replace it with another liturgy which, due to the countless liberties it implicitly authorizes, cannot but be a sign of schism--a liturgy which teems with insinuations or manifest errors against the integrity of the Catholic Faith--is, we feel bound in conscience to proclaim, an incalculable error.” >>

Now you know. Want to read the Critical Study for yourself? Check it out at: www.facebook.com/note.php

BTW: Please note that there are many in the Church who would agree that my good friends at “Church Militant” and “The Vortex,” along with the SSPX, also “do not exercise any legitimate ministry in the Catholic Church.”