
Too Much Hypocrisy: Francis Preaches "Church With Open Doors"

@thomasvalle No one is suggesting the Church close her doors. The problem with Francis, however -- or at least one of the many problems -- is that he constantly uses straw man arguments like the one cited in the article above. Precisely *no one* is promoting an arrogant, self-satisfied "Church of the pure and perfect." Francis is attacking bogeymen who simply don't exist. We are quite aware of our …More
@thomasvalle No one is suggesting the Church close her doors. The problem with Francis, however -- or at least one of the many problems -- is that he constantly uses straw man arguments like the one cited in the article above. Precisely *no one* is promoting an arrogant, self-satisfied "Church of the pure and perfect." Francis is attacking bogeymen who simply don't exist. We are quite aware of our own frailty and sinfulness, and we don't presume any kind of moral superiority to anyone else. What we do desire, though, is a Church that takes seriously Christ and the deposit of faith handed down to us. Francis manifestly does not do this, and neither do the bishops and cardinals with whom he's surrounded himself. Francis routinely draws a false dichotomy between the Church's teachings and "mercy" -- a mercy whose definition (to the extent it can be defined at all) has been drawn up by Francis himself. He's a bewilderingly arrogant man who see himself as a modern Moses sent to liberate Catholics from 2000 years of Church bondage.