
Spirit of Assisi 2011, 27 October

Read Mortalium Animos by Pius XI (1928) who teaches the infalliblibly about Protestant Christians: “These pan-Christians who turn their minds to uniting the churches seem, indeed, to pursue the noblest of ideas in promoting charity among all Christians: how does it happen that this charity tends to injure faith?... for the union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the RETURN to the …More
Read Mortalium Animos by Pius XI (1928) who teaches the infalliblibly about Protestant Christians: “These pan-Christians who turn their minds to uniting the churches seem, indeed, to pursue the noblest of ideas in promoting charity among all Christians: how does it happen that this charity tends to injure faith?... for the union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the RETURN to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it”.

“Nor is it anyway lawful for Catholics either to support or to work for such enterprises; for if they do so they will be giving countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ. They hold that dogmatic truth is not absolute but relative, that is, it agrees with the varying necessities of time and place and with the varying tendencies of the mind but is capable of being accommodated to human life.”