Evil continues.... Apartheid in Switzerland! The Roman Catholic Church is preaching and actively working for cultural and racial inclusivity in Her Sacred Liturgy by means of fostering community among …More
Evil continues.... Apartheid in Switzerland!
The Roman Catholic Church is preaching and actively working for cultural and racial inclusivity in Her Sacred Liturgy by means of fostering community among ALL peoples on the earth. YET, we have on the one hand, the Americans with their consumerism and 'heresy of individualism' and on the other hand, Europe with Her alarmist 'knee-jerk' reaction to human diversity, evinced in Apartheid Laws being passed in Switzerland. I anxiously await Pope Francis' official statement on this. Will the European Bishops be united in this? In fact, will the RC Bishops of Christendom unite against this new evil? Will that which is preached, now be put into PRACTICE....??? Sigh, we shall see......