Tom Minnery, President and CEO of CitizenLink. 2015 marks the third annual March for Marriage and this is the most critical march ever. It is our last, best opportunity to reach the U.S. Supreme Court …More
Tom Minnery, President and CEO of CitizenLink.
2015 marks the third annual March for Marriage and this is the most critical march ever. It is our last, best opportunity to reach the U.S. Supreme Court before they decide whether marriage as it has existed throughout our history is unconstitutional. In recent months, activist federal judges across the country have issued illegitimate rulings redefining marriage against the will of 50 million state voters and legislators who voted to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The Supreme Court is finally expected to consider the issue this spring, with arguments expected in close proximity to the March for Marriage, and a decision expected by late June 2015. The March for Marriage is a powerful demonstration to the media, opinion leaders, legislators and jurists that a majority of Americans still stand for marriage as it has been traditionally and historically defined and handed down through the centuries. A recent national …More