Wunder der Berufung. Das Klarissenkloster in de Lerma stand kurz vor der Auflösung. 6 ältere Schwestern und eine Novizin von 20 Jahren. Und dann das Wunder. Über 100 Neueintritte in den letzten Jahren …Mehr
Wunder der Berufung.

Das Klarissenkloster in de Lerma stand kurz vor der Auflösung. 6 ältere Schwestern und eine Novizin von 20 Jahren. Und dann das Wunder. Über 100 Neueintritte in den letzten Jahren. Papst Benedikt hat Reinero Cantalamessa dorthin entsand, um sich ein Bild zu machen.Der Beitrag ist auf italienisch.
English transcript of the video:
Singing: As close as the air I breathe, as close as morning that breaks,
as close as this song that you hear. God is here. As close as the air I breathe, as close as morning that breaks, as close as this song that you hear.

Father: Dearest listeners, today we come together to meet these friends who I would call the Christian Resistance of Spain, after the Monastery …Mehr
English transcript of the video:

Singing: As close as the air I breathe, as close as morning that breaks,
as close as this song that you hear. God is here. As close as the air I breathe, as close as morning that breaks, as close as this song that you hear.

Father: Dearest listeners, today we come together to meet these friends who I would call the Christian Resistance of Spain, after the Monastery of Silos. I want to introduce to you this reality that you see here. Understand that this is not a meeting or a chapter, but rather an entire community made up of 140 sisters, as you can see for yourselves, most of whom are very young. This was a community that did not see new vocation for 23 years and was almost extinct.
Then the grace of God began to work and this happened. And now we have this group of extremely happy young women. Why? Where have these women found such happiness? It's only one thing, Jesus, right?
Mother Veronica is the abbess now, and she has watched this phenomenon that is unique in the world take shape.

Singing: It is a river that flows upwards and confirms on high the Holy Spirit and His outpouring. And when it happens everything is transformed, joy for you and for me.

Father: how does it feel, Mother Veronica, to be the mother of so many young women?

Mother Veronica:A lot of joy because here there is a burning love for Jesus. I am very in love with Him. These sisters have given me life. Maternity comes from God.

Father: Dear friends, before coming here today I preached a week-long retreat for these sisters, and they say it was beneficial to them but I think I am the one who has benefitted because I have seen what the Lord has done today. The Lord is not dead. He is just as alive as in the times of Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and many others. What is your name?

Sister: My name is Marcela. I am 23 and came here 4 years ago. I have realized that Jesus is a person Who is alive and real. I can touch Him, see Him. My feminine heart has fallen in love with Him.
At first I was afraid of losing my femininity, of giving up being a woman, a mother, a wife, things we all want to have. Through my consecration in this community, I have seen that Jesus is a real and concrete Spouse. It is something we learn here every day and it fills the heart with joy.

(little flamenco)

Father: what is your name?

Sister: My name is Raquel and I'm 21. I am here because I have five sisters who are already in the convent. When the first one entered I saw that for them Jesus was a man Who makes your heart fall in love. So I asked Our Lady to teach me to love her Son like she does. Little by little I began falling in love with Him until I could no longer resist.

Singing: it's like a river inside of me. I trust in Christ my King.

Sister: I studied aeronautics because I love aeroplanes. But one day I found Jesus. I left the aeroplanes for Him. From that moment I began a walk that has led me here.

Father: I would like to conclude our time in the most joyful way possible: by listening to the voices of these marvellous young women who, more than just Christians, are young women in love with Jesus. As they sing, I say goodbye to you until next Saturday. Peace and goodness to all.

Singing: I belong to Christ and I give Him what I have, He is our great treasure, the only thing we need is Jesus Christ. And I give Him what I have, He is our great treasure, the only thing we need is Jesus Christ. Come and you will see. And I give Him what I have, He is our great treasure, the only thing we need is Jesus Christ.
Thanks seanie for this link:
Und das Geheimnis ist die Offenheit der Verkündigung. Zitat aus dem Artikel:
Eine von El Pais interviewten Schwester beschrieb die Klausur wie „ein offenes Haus für jene, die an unsere Tür klopfen. Wir wollen unseren Glauben teilen, das bekanntgeben, was der Herr uns übergeben hat. Und wenn die Anklopfenden Jesus in uns sehen, dann vorwärts! Spanien ist so heidnisch,…Mehr
Thanks seanie for this link:

Und das Geheimnis ist die Offenheit der Verkündigung. Zitat aus dem Artikel:

Eine von El Pais interviewten Schwester beschrieb die Klausur wie „ein offenes Haus für jene, die an unsere Tür klopfen. Wir wollen unseren Glauben teilen, das bekanntgeben, was der Herr uns übergeben hat. Und wenn die Anklopfenden Jesus in uns sehen, dann vorwärts! Spanien ist so heidnisch, daß es nötig ist, daß wir unseren Glauben teilen und ihn nicht alleine leben. Das ist der Augenblick zu wirken.“
Amazing, amazing. I found a German article here:
and translated it into English below:
A 43 year old sister has led a contemplative order of Saint Clare in Spain to exceptional growth. Today young, educated and mostly previously profesional women are entering by the dozen.
When Sister Veronica entered the in 1604 founded Convent of the Resurrection on Lerma (Spain) , vocations …Mehr
Amazing, amazing. I found a German article here:

and translated it into English below:

A 43 year old sister has led a contemplative order of Saint Clare in Spain to exceptional growth. Today young, educated and mostly previously profesional women are entering by the dozen.

When Sister Veronica entered the in 1604 founded Convent of the Resurrection on Lerma (Spain) , vocations had shrivelled to a minimum and the continuance looked to be in danger. In 1984, at the age of 18, Marijose Berzosa decided to renounce her career as a doctor, discotheques and her friends and entered with the name Sister Veronica in the strict enclosed order of Saint Clare of Assisi. She was the first novice in 23 years to ask for admittance.

Today, the convents has 135 nuns with an average age of 35 years, and another hundred novices, postulantd and interested parties. In La Aguilera, about 40 km from Lerma, a daughter house could be established. "An inexplicable phenomenon" wrote the left-liberal Sapnish newspaper El Pais, "where the Jesuits only have 20 novices in the whole of Spain, the Franciscans have 5, and have to import members form India or Kenya to avoid closing their cloisters." El Pais describes Sister Veronica as "the biggest Catholic phenomenon since Mother Teresa of Calcutta."

The Poor Clares convent is sought out every weekend by hundreds of pilgrims, by numerous families, youths from the Catholic movements and parishes, that take part in the prayer times.

According to El Pais the majority of the young nuns who follow the example of Sister Veronica, moulded by the "counter-culture Church" of John Paul II, are "confident, polite and educated". From one family there are 5 sisters today nuns. In total there are 11 pairs of siblings in the convent, among them one pair of twins. The nuns come to a large extent from the middle class and have an academic education. Among them you find attorneys, lawyers, economists, physicists, chemists, doctors, pharmacists, biologists, teachers, physiotherapists, librarians, photographers and many others.

Omne of the sisters interviewed by El Pais described the convent as "an open house for everyone who knocks on our door. We want to share our Faith, make it known, what the Lord has given us. And when those who knock see Jesus in us, then forwards! Spain is so pagan, that it is necessary that we share our Faith and not live it alone. This is th emoment to be effective."

The growth of the convent began explosively with the arrival of Sister Veronica: in 1994, when at the age 28 she was named the novice mistress, 27 sisters entered the convent. In 2002 72 nuns wer eliving in the convent, at the end of September [2009] the number was 134. All in a convent, that was built at the start of the 17th century, to house a maximum of 32 sisters.

The Lerma convent can now however count on new premises. The Franciscans near La Aguilera have given them their cloister for 30 years. It is the first sister house of Lerma. The cloister is being renovated at the moment so make room for more sisters. The new convent contains a new chapel, 100 cells each 10sq metres in size and each with a bed, a table and a kneeler. At the same time a large hall for 400 people is being built, a hostel for pilgrims and visitors.
👏 👏 👏
so wunderbar das strahlen der Schwestern,man sieht ihr Glück wo sie gefunden haben in Jesus.
Monika Elisabeth
So charismatisch sind die da.
Für P. Cantalamessa ja nichts Neues, aber ein ganzer Orden? Erstaunlich 🚬
Arbeiten die mit der CE zusammen?Mehr
So charismatisch sind die da.

Für P. Cantalamessa ja nichts Neues, aber ein ganzer Orden? Erstaunlich 🚬

Arbeiten die mit der CE zusammen?
Danke, liebe Sonnengesang!
Ja das ist hier ein wunderbares Zeugnis und man freut sich, dass eine Flamme wieder entflammt ist und andere Flammen hervorgebracht hat. Dieses Wunder des Auf- und Hervor-bruchs einer neuen Quelle ist ein Segen Gottes, der uns ermutigt.
Gerade in Dunkelheit und Nacht werden die Flammen offenbar und stecken an!Mehr
Danke, liebe Sonnengesang!

Ja das ist hier ein wunderbares Zeugnis und man freut sich, dass eine Flamme wieder entflammt ist und andere Flammen hervorgebracht hat. Dieses Wunder des Auf- und Hervor-bruchs einer neuen Quelle ist ein Segen Gottes, der uns ermutigt.

Gerade in Dunkelheit und Nacht werden die Flammen offenbar und stecken an!
Mich würden die Worte P. Cantalamessas interessieren. Sagt er noch etwas Vertiefendes?Mehr

Mich würden die Worte P. Cantalamessas interessieren. Sagt er noch etwas Vertiefendes?
Unglaublich, wie viel Freude und innere Schönheit diese Menschen ausstrahlen! Solche Beispiele können Wege für neue Berufungen öffnen....! 😇
...ja, und diese Freude! Ist der Klarissenorden nicht ein sehr kontemplativer Orden?! ;-)
Benedicta Tua
Sehr schön!!!Wie glücklich diese Menschen sind! 👏 👏
Kann uns jemand eine Zusammenfassung schreiben? Das ist eine große Freude hier auch Pater Cantalamessa, den päpstlichen Prediger zu sehen.
Im Anstieg kommt immer auch der Aufstieg, danke Vater im Himmel!Mehr
Kann uns jemand eine Zusammenfassung schreiben? Das ist eine große Freude hier auch Pater Cantalamessa, den päpstlichen Prediger zu sehen.

Im Anstieg kommt immer auch der Aufstieg, danke Vater im Himmel!