Pope Francis meets with French president François Hollande. Pope Francis has received French president François Hollande in a private audience on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting, in the presence of …More
Pope Francis meets with French president François Hollande.

Pope Francis has received French president François Hollande in a private audience on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting, in the presence of an interpreter, took place in the papal studio next to the Paul VI Audience Hall, and lasted approximately forty minutes. President Hollande was accompanied on his visit to the Vatican by the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and the French ambassador to the Holy See, Philippe Zeller. In an exchange of gifts, following the meeting, President Hollande gave the Pope a piece of Sèvres porcelain with the emblem of France. The Holy Father, in turn, gave the French president a round bronze sculpture by artist Daniela Fusco, which represents the prophecy of Isaia ...