O nce S aved A lways S aved is a LIE ! Question.... If you had one two or three pieces of evidence to attempt prove something like the LIE is "Once Saved Always Saved," and you FOUND this video that …More
O nce S aved A lways S aved is a LIE !
If you had one two or three pieces of evidence to attempt prove something like the LIE is "Once Saved Always Saved," and you FOUND this video that has 39 PLUS "pieces of evidence" to PROVE that OSAS is from the pulpits of hell.
What do you think of someone who told you that OSAS is a truth, ... HOW MANY MORE lies did they convince you to believe?
Since the "carnally minded" can NOT please GOD because ....
"Because the carnal mind is enmity against GOD, for it is not subject to the law of GOD, neither indeed can be." Rom. 8: 7
1. "Because the carnal mind is enmity against GOD." 2. "it is not subject to the LAW of GOD, neither indeed can be." DO you understand those WORDS? SO WHY would you LISTEN and TRY to learn ANYTHING from anyone who is still "carnally minded," who can NOT KNOW GOD, HIS WORDS, and is an actual ENEMY of GOD? Why? Would anyone TRY to learn about GOD and or the Kingdom from the "carnal / human minded"...? …More