
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Um I'm on birth control and I know myself and my boyfriend is not mature enough to have a child so we agreed to get an abortion if it ever came to it, abortion isn't murder it's mine and my boyfriends choice it's our life not yours and I'm not carrying a fetus to full term because I would rather live with getting an abortion than having a child I've never met somewhere

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

The "child" or "baby" is actually a fetus and not alive yet so it's not murder get yourself educated and if they where impregnated by insest rape or underage abortion is okay because it's their life not yours respect other people's choices because it's not your life to live

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

No not when it could be the child of a child or a rapist or murderer or any other monster of a "human" or could kill the mother, abortion is completely okay and should be for everyone it's not murder because the FETUS isn't alive

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Um maybe you should get your head out the gutter and realise women get raped and shit and dont want to carry a fucking child of there rapist it should be a right to have an abortion, what if a 12 year old girl get raped and she could die from carrying the child of a monster abortion should be the best option honestly people like you is why society is fucked