
Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Pope John Paul 2 did believe but apparently sent the bishop of Mostar to investigate the phenomena. However he was allegedly working for the KGB.

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

The bible says "Faith" alone saves us. I agree one has a direct impact on other. To do one, you must do the good works also. But really think of it the Pope is only a human being with faults and foibles. Read the bible fast and pray and ......isn't that what "Our Lady of Medjugorje" requests that. If the Pope had consecrated Russia WW2, would NEVER had occurred. There's infallibility for you. We …More
The bible says "Faith" alone saves us. I agree one has a direct impact on other. To do one, you must do the good works also. But really think of it the Pope is only a human being with faults and foibles. Read the bible fast and pray and ......isn't that what "Our Lady of Medjugorje" requests that. If the Pope had consecrated Russia WW2, would NEVER had occurred. There's infallibility for you. We should build a relationship with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy . Not mortal man.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Yes but the one thing that they should read along with the Gospels is the Holy Bible!

Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje: "Absolutely Diabolical"

Wait....money fast lifestyles, families, does that not sound more like the Vatican state. It is strange that one Vatican exorcists says one thing and another says something else entirely different. They criticise the seers been married but ISN'T marriage a sacrament too?