Halleluja-Procession. Dancers and seminarians of the Fiji Islands during the Final Mass of World Youth Day

What a horror......May God help his Holy Church to return to the rectitude and transcedence of the ages......They are debasing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into the depths of mere culturalism and entertainment. The Mass is the Holy Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, and should be enshrined in a liturgy both otherworldly and sacred, instead of burying it in the midst of half naked dancers whose …More
What a horror......May God help his Holy Church to return to the rectitude and transcedence of the ages......They are debasing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into the depths of mere culturalism and entertainment. The Mass is the Holy Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, and should be enshrined in a liturgy both otherworldly and sacred, instead of burying it in the midst of half naked dancers whose sensual gyrations fill anyone with a sense of modesty with disgust and horror.