M. Palmeri- MISA A Buenos Aires - Misa Tango- Kyrie. The Maayan Choir & Tango Bar quintet. Conducted by Anat Morag..Elnav Center, Tel Aviv.More
M. Palmeri- MISA A Buenos Aires - Misa Tango- Kyrie.
The Maayan Choir & Tango Bar quintet. Conducted by Anat Morag..Elnav Center, Tel Aviv.

Musician Blends Tango, Classic Styles in Mass Composition

Musician blends Tango, classic styles in Mass composition: by Elise Harris At a festival in Rome, an Argentinian composer noted the need for sacred music in modern society and spoke of a Mass he wrote …More
Musician blends Tango, classic styles in Mass composition:
by Elise Harris
At a festival in Rome, an Argentinian composer noted the need for sacred music in modern society and spoke of a Mass he wrote honoring his country which draws from both classical and Tango traditions.
“The Mass is a Catholic Mass, but my history is I don't have a very religious formation…I learn a lot of religious by the music, through the music,” Martin Palmeri said of the music he composed in an Oct. 29 interview with EWTN News.
Palmeri was born in Argentina, and studied musical composition under many different teachers, including Daniel Montes, Marcelo Chevalier, and Radolfo Mederos, as well as with Virtu Maragno and Edgar Grana in New York.
The “Tango orchestration” that the composer wrote was chosen as the opening piece for the twelfth annual International Festival of Sacred Music and Art held in Rome. The festival began Tues. Oct. 29 and will last until Nov. 10.
Read more:…More

Bishop Obeys Govt Order to Remove Catholic School Teaching on Sinfulness of Homosexual Acts

WHITEHORSE, Yukon, Oct. 18, 2013 ( - The Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse has obeyed an order by the Yukon government to remove Church teaching on the sinfulness of homosexuality from …More
WHITEHORSE, Yukon, Oct. 18, 2013 ( - The Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse has obeyed an order by the Yukon government to remove Church teaching on the sinfulness of homosexuality from its policy on pastoral care for same-sex attracted students in its publicly-funded Catholic schools. Critics have pointed out that even in the title of the new policy, the ‘truth’ has been removed.
The original policy contested by the government was called 'Living with Hope, Ministering by Love, Teaching in Truth.' The new policy title reads: ‘One Heart: Ministering by Love.’
The original policy, published in the spring of 2012, sparked opposition from media, homosexual activists, and some citizens in the town of 20,000 last spring because it expounded the Catechism’s teaching that homosexual acts are “gravely depraved” and the homosexual inclination is “objectively disordered.”
The controversy culminated in then-Minister of Education Scott Kent sending a letter to Whitehorse Bishop Gary …More
Paul Schratz
Bishop Gordon has been portrayed as “obeying” the Yukon government with his One Heart alternative to Yukon Education’s scandalous “Sexual Orientation …More
Bishop Gordon has been portrayed as “obeying” the Yukon government with his One Heart alternative to Yukon Education’s scandalous “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” policy. At the same time he is denounced by parents who regard the alternative as a manifesto of hatred. All while the Yukon government continues to pressure him to conform to its secular policy.
Reading the criticisms being heaped on Bishop Gary Gordon from all sides, Jesus’s words in Matthew 11:17 come to mind: “John came neither eating nor drinking, and they said, ‘He is possessed by a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’”
At a time when faithful Catholics, Christians and people of good will should rally around Bishop Gordon and support him in his stance against a pro-gay juggernaut from government, media and even some parents, he is attacked for producing a document that, rather than being a resounding gong or …More
Seems to me that the good Bishop has a boat anchor around his waist which is drowning him - as long as the Catholic schools in the diocese are publicly …More
Seems to me that the good Bishop has a boat anchor around his waist which is drowning him - as long as the Catholic schools in the diocese are publicly funded he will have to bow to two masters, God and the state. This is portentous.
Effects Of Federel Shutdown Extend Beyond Furloughed Workers. As the congressional stalemate over the federal government’s shutdown continued, not only were an estimated 800,000 federal employees …More
Effects Of Federel Shutdown Extend Beyond Furloughed Workers.
As the congressional stalemate over the federal government’s shutdown continued, not only were an estimated 800,000 federal employees temporarily jobless, but other functions and services typically provided by the government without a second thought being given to them were no longer being taken for granted. The Archdiocese for the Military Services said that its use of “contract priests” to celebrate Mass at a number of military installations where no active-duty chaplain is on-site would have to be canceled in most circumstances. “With the government shutdown, GS (general services) and contract priests who minister to Catholics on military bases worldwide are not permitted to work — not even to volunteer,” said an Oct. 3 op-ed essay written by John Schlageter, general counsel for the military archdiocese. “During the shutdown, it is illegal for them to minister on base and they risk being arrested if they attempt to do so.…More

Christendom College Student Won't Shut Up With The Latin Already

(4/7/2013) Salem, OR -- Friends of Christendom College freshman Ben Tate reported this week that he "hasn't shut up with the whole Latin thing since returning from spring break." The 19-year-old …More
Salem, OR -- Friends of Christendom College freshman Ben Tate reported this week that he "hasn't shut up with the whole Latin thing since returning from spring break." The 19-year-old undergrad had just recently returned from Front Royal, Virginia for break when friends began to notice there was something different about him.
"Well, we knew there was something wrong with him the moment we picked him up from the airport," longtime friend Roger McNerney told Eye of the Tiber.
"When we asked how things were going, he just sat back, took a deep breath and said, "Deus bonum est, my friends...Deus...bonum...est."
McNerney went on to say that he and other friends are suspicious that Tate sometimes just makes up his own Latin, ending English words with -eum and -eus, knowing that no one else knows the language, and therefore cannot call him out on it. "look...I may not know Latin, but I do know BS. I asked him what he thought about the whole North Korea thing and he came back with,…More

Royal Commission's Public Hearings Into Child Sexual Abuse Begin in Sydney

Make no mistake, few institutions caring for children in Australia are likely to be spared the scrutiny of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Public hearings begin …More
Make no mistake, few institutions caring for children in Australia are likely to be spared the scrutiny of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Public hearings begin in Sydney today and the commission's chief Janette Dines says it will look "very broadly at institutions."
"We're looking at all sorts of institutions that have responsibility to look after children, and this week there are five institutions whose conduct will be examined," she said.
They include Scouts Australia, a New South Wales Government department, the Hunter Aboriginal Children's Service and its former head, Steven Larkins.
In coming months the Salvation Army, YMCA and Catholic Church could be among the institutions whose conduct will be examined by the commissioners.

Cleveland Right To Life Thanks Obama For Concern For Children in Syria Who Were Killed by Chemicals

Sept. 11, 2013 Cleveland Right To Life While generally at odds with the Obama administration's position on abortion, Cleveland Right To Life expresses its appreciation to President Obama for his …More
Sept. 11, 2013
Cleveland Right To Life
While generally at odds with the Obama administration's position on abortion, Cleveland Right To Life expresses its appreciation to President Obama for his concern for the children of Syria, who were allegedly killed by chemical weapons of mass destruction. In His address on Tuesday evening, the President noted that "images of children in pain and lying still on hospital floors"...was something the world cannot except.
Given the President's concern for children killed by chemical weapons, will the President take the next logical step and declare war on the 100's of abortion facilities, including 71 Planned Parenthoods in the United States, where over 1 million unborn children are killed every year by the use of weapons of mass destruction, ie. surgical instruments, suction devices and numerous chemicals? Surely the President will postpone any aggressive action and give all Planned Parenthood Abortion clinics the opportunity to surrender their …More
On Guard
Thank you to the Cleveland Right to Life for seeing the paradox in the thinking of the contradiction of the president defense of the Syrian children …More
Thank you to the Cleveland Right to Life for seeing the paradox in the thinking of the contradiction of the president defense of the Syrian children when he has a far worse case in the USA. We must not consider the "fleck" in our neighbor's eye, when we have a "rod" in our own.