Jack Geudens
Jack Geudens deelt van Pastoor Geudens
Terruwe zegt het zo eenvoudig maar wel helder.
Video Dr. A.A.A. Terruwe MD. Website www.anna-terruwe.nlVerder
Video Dr. A.A.A. Terruwe MD.
Website www.anna-terruwe.nl
Jack Geudens
H Mis te Leuvenheim. Dit is mijn BloedVerder
H Mis te Leuvenheim.
Dit is mijn Bloed
Jack Geudens
H Mis te Leuvenheim. Dit is mijn LichaamVerder
H Mis te Leuvenheim.
Dit is mijn Lichaam
Jack Geudens deelt van Ana Luisa M.R
Rozenhoedje voor de kinderen die nog niet geboren zijn - Engels.
Rosary of the Unborn Joyful (5) .Verder
Rosary of the Unborn Joyful (5)
Jack Geudens
Gebed voor kind en moeder

Anti-abortusdemonstranten: 'geen demonstratie, maar gebed'

Een groep van ongeveer tien mensen heeft dinsdagochtend gedemonstreerd op de stoep van een abortuskliniek in Roermond. "Ze staan een keer per …
Jack Geudens
Gebed bij abortus centrum. www.1limburg.nl/anti-abortusdem…Verder
Gebed bij abortus centrum.
Jack Geudens
Profiel achtergrondfoto. Een mens is een mens - elke mensVerder
Profiel achtergrondfoto.
Een mens is een mens - elke mens
Jack Geudens deelt van Ana Luisa M.R
Tranen door abortus
Tears Of Abortion - Story of an aborted baby, This ProLife Video. ´PRAY, PRAY, PRAY TO END-UNITED 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN & TOUR Lives Saved 557 Sept.28-Nov.6 40daysforlife.com St. Catherine of …Verder
Tears Of Abortion - Story of an aborted baby, This ProLife Video.
´PRAY, PRAY, PRAY TO END-UNITED 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN & TOUR Lives Saved 557 Sept.28-Nov.6 40daysforlife.com St. Catherine of Sweden is the Patron Saint against Abortion & Miscarriages. sites.google.com/…/st-catherine
Jack Geudens deelt van covakid
De werkelijkheid achter Planned Parenthood
The Truth Behind Planned Parenthood. The Truth Behind Planned ParenthoodVerder
The Truth Behind Planned Parenthood.
The Truth Behind Planned Parenthood
16 pagina's
Jack Geudens deelt van RYCERKACHK
Getuigenis pro life door een jonge religieuze ...
Bycie prolife [lektor] Siostra Alicia Torres z głębokim przekonaniem mówi o tym, jak ważna jest troska o życie każdego człowieka. Bez wyjątku.Verder
Bycie prolife [lektor]
Siostra Alicia Torres z głębokim przekonaniem mówi o tym, jak ważna jest troska o życie każdego człowieka. Bez wyjątku.
Jack Geudens deelt van charisma
Hopeloos leven zonder God ...


H.E. Bishop Athanasius Schneider The following video presentation was given on 16 May 2019 at the Rome Life Forum on the theme “City of man vs City of God – Global One World Order vs Christendom”, …Verder
H.E. Bishop Athanasius Schneider
The following video presentation was given on 16 May 2019 at the Rome Life Forum on the theme “City of man vs City of God – Global One World Order vs Christendom”, organised by Voice of the Family.
Dear participants of the Rome Life Forum 2019!
In this address I would like to speak about the two cities or communities which exist in the history of creation, that is the City of God and the city of man without or even against God. A city or community without God is by this very fact a city of hopelessness. The first attempt to establish a life and a community or a city without God and against God was that of Satan, the fallen angel, who with the other fallen angels tried to build up a reign opposing God. However, there was no more place for them in heaven and he and his angels were cast down to the earth, as Holy Scripture says (cf. Rev. 12: 8-9). Since then Satan has worked tirelessly in building up upon the earth his city against God.
The most distinctive …Verder
Jack Geudens deelt van charisma
De kracht om vergeving te schenken en te ervaren...
The Greatest Gift - The Power of Forgiveness. Teaser of a New MovieVerder
The Greatest Gift - The Power of Forgiveness.
Teaser of a New Movie
Jack Geudens deelt van Pro Life Media
Zie de video...
Unplanned. A powerful testimony by Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who was converted to the Pro Life cause while viewing the ultrasound video during a live abortion procedure.Verder
A powerful testimony by Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who was converted to the Pro Life cause while viewing the ultrasound video during a live abortion procedure.
Jack Geudens deelt van Pastoor Geudens
Geen evolutie video
No Evolution. Deze video bewijst dat evolutie onmogelijk is. In English: Is the Theory of Evolution a scientific fact or a mere belief? This is the only question this documentary seeks to answer. Five …Verder
No Evolution.
Deze video bewijst dat evolutie onmogelijk is.
In English: Is the Theory of Evolution a scientific fact or a mere belief? This is the only question this documentary seeks to answer. Five world top scientific minds give their answer on Evolution. A ground breaking video sold all around the world, award winning international documentary, now available for all to see.
Look this video at website: www.noevolution.org in English ; Français ; Español ; Italiano ; Polski ;