Kenneth Harris
Kenneth Harris

Sexual Abuse as a Pretext to Attack Confession

One more piece in the disorientation puzzle predicted by Our Lady.
Kenneth Harris

C_KOagiXgAEN1Wv. He, who criticizes me, is a pharisee

Bergoglio and I are the same age. The great difference between us is: I'm still Catholic.
Kenneth Harris

Pope Francis returned a child molestor

Pedophiles and rapists deserve the death penalty in the same degree as 1st degree murder. These sins may even be more damaging than murder. As for Francis....he's nuts-!!!!!!!!
Kenneth Harris

Pope: "I could make history as the one who split the Church"

It sounds like Fr. Bergoglio [as he likes to call himself] is more concerned about his place in history rather his place in eternity. He doesn't seem to know his ABCs of Catholicism
Kenneth Harris


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this keepsake .
Kenneth Harris

Pope Francis Christians should apologise to gay people - IBTimes

I'm sorry you must carry the Cross of proclivity towards homosexuality...but....sodomy is mortal sin. Don't participate in it-!!
Kenneth Harris

Caption contest anyone? 😀

We may or may not do it this way or that.
Kenneth Harris

Is Francis one of them?

One could get the idea that Fr. Bergoglio [as he likes to call himself] and Barack "Insane" Obama are birds of a feather.
Kenneth Harris

Detroit Bishop plays Ukulele at confirmation mass

He reminds me of a Southern Baptist minister.
Kenneth Harris

Pope Francis Open to Considering Female Deacons in the Catholic Church

I'm through following Begoglio's feckless nincompoopery. If I could get near him they would have to take us both to the hospital to get my foot out of his backside.
Kenneth Harris

Pontifical Bike Mass. All vested, all wheeled: the Biking Mass, celebrated by the Archbishop of Palermo …

After the Second Vatican fiasco, Modernist Rome has turned the once "Holy Sacrifice of the Mass" into a form of entertainment directed at man rather than at God.