Liberty Clarion
Liberty Clarion

The Myths of Vatican II. Have you ever heard someone say someone is pre-Vatican, or that they are …

In affirmation of Mark Zima's "spine!"
The Spine of the Holy Spirit
Recently I saw a t.v. report about a duplicitous con-man masquerading as a Christian who set-up a Ponzi scheme by which he bilked hundreds of small Black congregations out of many thousands of their needed funds. They trusted the charlatan, and he, with all of his “Praise the Lord, brothers and sisters” palaver, stole their money. …More
In affirmation of Mark Zima's "spine!"

The Spine of the Holy Spirit

Recently I saw a t.v. report about a duplicitous con-man masquerading as a Christian who set-up a Ponzi scheme by which he bilked hundreds of small Black congregations out of many thousands of their needed funds. They trusted the charlatan, and he, with all of his “Praise the Lord, brothers and sisters” palaver, stole their money.

Now, what is most villainous, is that this despicable humbug had the chutzpah to call a conference of all those who had trusted him to apprise them that they would, alas, be getting none of the promised God-sent riches that he had prophesied as a result of their “investment.”

Naturally, there was an outcry. But the confidence artist’s simple method of silencing the assembly was the devilish ploy that tends to tongue-tie many otherwise intelligent and articulate Christian leaders. He merely said, “You’re not presuming to judge me, are you?” Well, believe it or not, that seemed to do the trick. The artful dodger who had picked their pockets walked away unhindered.

Amazing that “Are you presuming to judge me?” is so effective as a weapon against Christians. The good folk seem to have no answer to such a misappropriated charge. But, there is a perfectly legitimate answer.

We are cautioned, scripturally, strongly against “judging” those who are living in the spirit of the world and not in the Spirit of God. We are told that only God has the power and authority to judge. God is the Judge. But for the good Christian folk who were fleeced, dealing with the likes of the swindler has nothing to do with judging. A judge’s duty is to sentence, and the defrauded folk do not have the power or authority to sentence the cheat. But they certainly have the power and authority to contact the law and pursue charges against this rip-off artist.

Scripture tells us to not judge, but it DOES tell us that we are to be judicious and discriminating. In other words, to act wisely! “Judicious” means “having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment.” “Discriminating” means “astutely telling things apart—discerning, judicious, perspicacious.” In other words, acting responsibly and wisely!

Christians have the perfect foundation for wisdom. It is known as God’s Word—the Bible. For a Christian, being properly instructed/informed is dependent upon the edification (from L. aedificare 'build', from aedis 'dwelling' facere 'make' ) of the Holy Spirit as we read The Word--the counselor Jesus promised would be sent once he returned to be with His Father in Heaven.

I do hope that this provides you with a perfectly legitimate response next time you hear the Devil quote Scripture. When that greatest of charlatans—that angel of the light-fingered—wheedles “But, who are you to judge.” Don’t fall for it.

Liberty Clarion
Liberty Clarion

The Myths of Vatican II. Have you ever heard someone say someone is pre-Vatican, or that they are …

Father Greg
A marvelous apologetic for the Faith! Superior teaching, courageous preaching! I shall watch this and listen carefully many times. You are a singular blessing to those who are under your pastoral care. I have many questions, and will ask them after I fully assimilate that which is entailed in your forceful, studied, and, again, courageous homiletic.
I remember when I left the revolutionaries …More
Father Greg

A marvelous apologetic for the Faith! Superior teaching, courageous preaching! I shall watch this and listen carefully many times. You are a singular blessing to those who are under your pastoral care. I have many questions, and will ask them after I fully assimilate that which is entailed in your forceful, studied, and, again, courageous homiletic.

I remember when I left the revolutionaries in the "I want to teach the world to sing"-- what I called a "coke and a host"--ersatz Catholicism. We did, in Massachusetts, attend the assembly of Fr. John Keene, who cited that which you cite. Father Keene was threatened by the Bishop and those of the "reformed catholicism." I was sickened, justifiably, by what I saw as the "enlightened innovations," which were certainly not “new” but a mere adaptation of the attitude of religious equivalency, secular tolerance and diversity, and broad-way-mindedness that brought the wrath of God upon the slime-pits of theValley of Siddim. Since I, and my beloved wife--both of us schooled in Roman Catholic teaching--wanted nothing to do with the apostasy of the peremptory arrogance of the apotheosizing despot-liberals, we removed ourselves.

Greg, you have given me much to think about. All I want is to be guided by God's Word and Holy Spirit, and by those who are not ashamed of our Lord and Savior.

I have attached a poem which goes to that which you teach. God keep you and increase your courage, for I am certain that you are a target of the Lord of This Word. That angel of the World's Light: Lucifer.

Hiccius Doccius by Frank Maguire

The phrase “hiccius doccius” dates back to 17th century England. It is a corruption of the Latin “hicce est doctus,” which means “here is a wise man.” It was used by jugglers as they performed, much as “hocus pocus” was used by performers of magic tricks. Later, the term came to be pejorative, taking on the connotation of “loose and fast.” In my poem, the oracle is one who juggles human souls, and plays loose-and-fast with the truth. Remember the Serpent of Eden. He sold his lie as the truth, and Sin entered each of us. Do not be enthralled, thus enslaved, by the Serpent’s alluring lies. It will convince you that your strongest carnal desires are true and good. God tells you otherwise. Choose Jesus, Messiah, and His Spirit of Truth will convict your conscience each and every moment. Beloved, Choose the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

hiccius doccius
(Hicce est Doctus)

Each man must have ethics,” the sage of the soap-box vowed.
And the crowd as one applauded,
And each conjointly nodded.
’Tis ethics,” they cried, “what’s needed...ethics’ll do the trick;
The whole damned world’s gone crazy...the whole damned world is sick.”

The oracle gasconaded, and wove them into his shroud,
And smirked at the mad applause,
And slyly repeated his cause.
Each of you must have an ethic,” he canted, “on which each alone can rely.”
An ethic!” the spirited mob descanted, and oracle smirked at the cry.

He spun his guileful web—like a spider skilled at weaving.
And savored his facile deceit,
And the captives’ unison bleat.
Each of us must have an ethic,” the simple repeated, “of our very own,”
While the oracle blessed their acceptance of the poisonous seed he had sown.

In the midst of the frenzied flock stood an unaffected child,
With a gentle, loving face,
And eyes aglow with grace.
’Tis a lie straight from Hell you are speaking,” were the words of the gracious youth,
For if each man invents his own ethic, each man denies the Truth.”

Clear Truth,” the lad repeated, “must be the ethic of all.”
And he faced the oracle’s glare,
And the fold’s incredulous stare.
There’s a Truth that is transcendent, which ethics must need obey,
“Which is built on the Rock of Ages, and not upon quivering clay

Sure as God, the lad’s resounding voice did silence the very wind.
And the oracle cowered in fright
At the youth who spoke of “Right.”
This world’s not damned while Truth prevails, and mankind pays it heed.
“If Truth is each man’s ethic, ‘twill comfort every man’s need