
Ennio Morricone Has died: "Comforted by the Faith"

Although I paraphrase, I recall Etienne Gilson once remarking how, strictly speaking, not even the great dramatic settings of the Mass by Beethoven, Mozart, or any other composer truly is liturgical music. As popes and tradition indicate, solely Gregorian Chant is this, and it is what the Church forged in history for the sake of honoring the Holy Trinity and redeeming men.

All Against All: De Mattei Attacks His Friend Viganò

It would seem that de Mattei is merely recognize, while Archbishop Viganò alone resists...

Bishop Williamson Preaches at His 80th Birthday

Bishop Williamson has been unjustly and demonically maligned. He may have not been infallible in all his judgments, he nonetheless is a truly faithful Catholic and bishop of integrity.

Famous American Actor Serves At Traditional Latin Mass

But the Rev. Ripperger is no longer with the FSSP.