Non Timebo
Non Timebo

Bishop Fellay and Pope Francis. Open letter. May Jesús rescue Peter's successor from sinking

The Pope has never strayed too far from the inherent heresies of Vatican II...he simply puts-a-face to the skullduggery of that council’s destruction of the Faith.
Non Timebo

Canon Law must change. in over 50 ways. 50 shades of darkness in the 1983 Codex

Not so sure “the fix” would be to change the present modernist Canon Law....throw it in the trash would be the best solution. This new canon law is simply an extension (implementation) of the evil wickedness of The 2nd Vatican Council, isn’t it? We have been carefully told (by those who swore to follow Catholic Tradition) that the Council is not-so-bad—95% good, as one has proclaimed! ....only …More
Not so sure “the fix” would be to change the present modernist Canon Law....throw it in the trash would be the best solution. This new canon law is simply an extension (implementation) of the evil wickedness of The 2nd Vatican Council, isn’t it? We have been carefully told (by those who swore to follow Catholic Tradition) that the Council is not-so-bad—95% good, as one has proclaimed! ....only the ‘bad guys’ or the “spirit” of Vat.II is the problem. When will we start thinking for ourselves and believe that ArchBsh Lefebvre really knew the implications of joining the last stronghold of the true Faith—SSPX—with the horrors he witness at & after Vatican II. He was right when he said, ‘They have betrayed us, they have betrayed us!’ This saintly man of God wasn’t only referring to the formation of Indult groups in 1988. I, for one, will continue to pray for those who are divinely charged with guarding the sheep, feeding them the Truth, and not be in such a hurry to be “recognized” by the ultra-liberal, modernist, crazed-Assisi Rome we must endure today.
Non Timebo

Holy Trinity. 1st sermon in vegas

Nice photo of the Vegas chapel 🤔
Non Timebo

Holy Shroud Documentary 4 part 4 of 4

A clergyman (perhaps a Protestant?) near the end of this video states: "Reason can never prove the divinity of Christ." What were those miracles all about, Thomas?
Non Timebo

Rosary 15 mysteries not 20 Fr David Phillipson at Las Vegas First Saturday March 2017

We thank Fr. Phillipson most kindly for his sermon...the Rosary is a weapon especially in these times. Fr. Phillipson came recommended as "a good priest". After a brief greeting, we couldn't find an opportunity to discuss his background or his thoughts. However through some cursory inquiry, it seems he is a 2003 graduate of Mt.St.Mary's Uni/Seminary in Maryland. This Seminary appears to offer a …More
We thank Fr. Phillipson most kindly for his sermon...the Rosary is a weapon especially in these times. Fr. Phillipson came recommended as "a good priest". After a brief greeting, we couldn't find an opportunity to discuss his background or his thoughts. However through some cursory inquiry, it seems he is a 2003 graduate of Mt.St.Mary's Uni/Seminary in Maryland. This Seminary appears to offer a strictly mainstream Vatican II formation culminating in the New Rite of Ordination. Having been adrift and almost losing the inheritance of the True Mass & Church of All Time, it behooves me in charity (of duty to that inheritance), to question any priest who arrives to say the Tridentine Mass being trained to do so by the Fraternity of St. Peter to function as a diocesan Indult priest. Of course with all hope (and with heartfelt prayers), that Father Phillipson was afforded the honor of Conditional Ordination from the Society of St. PiusX which he now embraces. But we do not know. It seems that these pertainant details whould be offered without the asking....the facts are too important to our salvation to be cavalier.
Non Timebo

SSPX: French District Superior Condemns Sceptical Priors

Oh dear---another case of "my way or the French/Swiss highway". What happened to the dear sons of ArchBishop Lefebvre? All 4 of the Bishops seemingly forgetting what they were so clearly taught. What truck does light have with dark? Breaks us in pieces.
Non Timebo

Purges in the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X?

Good priests ALWAYS stand up for the truth! God strengthen them...they will be asked whether they can drink of His Chalice.
Non Timebo

St Joseph - mariavaltorta

What a surprise to see the controversial visions of Maria Valtorta being recommended as a tribute to dear St. Joseph. Astounding, really since her "Poem of the Man-God" was condemned by the Catholic Church in the 50's for humanizing Christ and for some rather graphic (lurid, some might say!) passages. There is much better reading out there to reveal the humble and just man other than Maria Valtorta.
Non Timebo

sing with the angels. At Mass and elsewhere. Vegas church. WHY DON'T CATHOLICS SING Every once in a …

Catherine Dower's very interesting & sage comments (along with Mr.Day's book) are so correct.
Such an enjoyable article, thank you.
The post-conciliar Catholic congregations--that I have witnessed, in the new modernist church of today's Rome seem quite apathetic to the 'liturgical tunes' being performed at these new services. The piano & guitar don't bring any improvement that I can see to that …More
Catherine Dower's very interesting & sage comments (along with Mr.Day's book) are so correct.
Such an enjoyable article, thank you.
The post-conciliar Catholic congregations--that I have witnessed, in the new modernist church of today's Rome seem quite apathetic to the 'liturgical tunes' being performed at these new services. The piano & guitar don't bring any improvement that I can see to that morose lethargy. Perhaps a fitting note on the celebration of new mass as well?
While on the other hand, the beauty, depth & wonder of the traditional Mass is enhanced by the inspired music passed down thru the centuries. St. Gregory WAS great and who could dare say that Crux Fidelis is simply another hymn?
With the Tridentine Mass the general congregation has no place in singing The Propers of the Mass; reserved as they are exclusively for the men's schola. However, those attending the Mass have been encouraged (by Pope St. Pius X, for example) to join together in song to praise God at this public worship.
To mention the true High Mass or even the Missa Contata: the opening hymn in English for the entrance of the priest & another hymn (again in the language of the population) as the procession exits the church is such a lovely beginning & end to the amazing act in which we participate at the Holy Sacrifice. As we return home, the echoes of 'Hail Holy Queen' or 'Holy God, we praise Thy Name' are further reminders of the glory of the Lord's Day.
One choir master was heard to say: "to sing (at the Mass) is to pray twice!" I imagine the reference was that of the Chant. Would be a real shame to deny Catholics the benefit of those extra prayers by not singing.
The classic Marian hymns and many other hymns are very easy to learn---even in Latin if the congregation is given to hear them often enough.
Sadly the truly talented choir masters, as Catherine perfectly points out, are very rare, indeed. When one does come along, too many times they unwittingly treat the faithful in the pews as unworthy or too untalented to join in with the choir---perhaps an occupational hazard of the artistic genius?
Just as often, among the gifted choral maestri, the music selected (not Chant) is so complicated that it excludes the regular person at Mass from ever singing.
Very sad. How does the populous learn? What will be passed on to the next generation? No longer are children taught these wonderful inspiring simple hymns, certainly not in the public school systems of today.
Worst of all, some congregations (of my knowledge) have been explicitly made to think they must NOT sing anything at the Mass. Too often the processional/recessional hymns are obscure or unknown to the average Catholic, leaving them out again!
Seems one thing might be reiterated, we Catholics do not sing praises to Heaven. Yet in our defense: how can we sing that which we do not know or hear regularly?
We all hope that the future will 'let us joyfully sing to God our Saviour' pslm94 most especially in our most united, public prayer to God: the Holy Mass.....something to look forward to!