
Does The Vatican Need Anger Management Classes?

In answer to your question, "Does the Vatican need anger management classes?" Yes, almost as much as the Vatican needs lessons in Catechism! If the latter suggestion is successful, they won't need the former.

Woman-Dog-Insemination - Cardinal Schönborn "Does Not Want To Judge"

My God, man! What do you have to see before you can judge it abominable? Heaven weeps.

Former Benedict XVI Still Wearing His Fisherman’s Ring

Bergoglio should NEVER wear the ring because he's an antipope.

Liberal Ideology Jeopardises Vatican's Financial Reforms

True "reform", the kind Cardinal Pell was working to bring about, will not be tolerated by this "pope" or his friends. They must get rid of him at all costs before he destroys their filthy, criminal, and ungodly lifestyles.

Jesuit Encourages Friends To Celebrate Sin

FrancisChurch - where sin is glorified and God's Law is rejected, from the very top of the Vatican.

German Cardinal: Ramadan As a Pretext to Praise the EU

A perfect example of why I refuse to pray for the intentions of Pope Francis, but pray every day for his conversion to the Catholic faith.