
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

I am here to put my two cents in on this thing that shouldn't even be a debate. I don't care who you are or how you become pregnant, because God is the creator of life and if you for what ever reason take it upon yourself to end the life that God choose to place in your body, then you have committed murder and you took a life that wasn't yours to take. Do you think you know better than the creator …More
I am here to put my two cents in on this thing that shouldn't even be a debate. I don't care who you are or how you become pregnant, because God is the creator of life and if you for what ever reason take it upon yourself to end the life that God choose to place in your body, then you have committed murder and you took a life that wasn't yours to take. Do you think you know better than the creator of life, I think not. There is coming a day when we will stand before our creator and give an account for all the things we have done. I can't for the life of me understand how any woman can ever make a choice to kill a life growing inside her, and act like there is nothing wrong with that choice. I know there is a lot of people on here that will not agree with what I have said, some will even condemn me, but after you are done with running me down for my thoughts on out right murdering an unborn child, remember this "you are beating me up because deep in your heart you know you are wrong " and that killing babies is wrong, and that is your way of dealing with your choice or your thoughts on this subject. God I pray that if there is someone out there reading this and are thinking of ending the life of a innocent baby, that they will think of what it is they about to do and seek guidance from you and make the only choice that is right. AMEN.