There is no hope for the world and your lie shit
There is no hope for the world and your lie shit

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Where is the name of the clandestine clinics? Because, in the name of the sanity and the healty, this "babys" have more than 4 weeks of gestacion but in this case we can take legal actions because it´s ilegal!!!
But wait a moment, don't come to me with religious issues because there they are losing worse, the bible has worse things that they continue to support and if they have read it at …
Where is the name of the clandestine clinics? Because, in the name of the sanity and the healty, this "babys" have more than 4 weeks of gestacion but in this case we can take legal actions because it´s ilegal!!!

But wait a moment, don't come to me with religious issues because there they are losing worse, the bible has worse things that they continue to support and if they have read it at least, they will realize the aberrations still worse than "killing" something that is not yet I live to treat something that needs real help like the same garbage.