
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Oh hey, @jasonseraphius , that's totally a good point... the idea of someone waiting and waiting until finally the situation becomes exponentially more horrible. Although, i don't know if that's really why it happens... i did, of course, and i was like that's effed up... but then I saw a documentary and learned some stuff i didn't know. here's a link, if you are interested in some of those reasons …More
Oh hey, @jasonseraphius , that's totally a good point... the idea of someone waiting and waiting until finally the situation becomes exponentially more horrible. Although, i don't know if that's really why it happens... i did, of course, and i was like that's effed up... but then I saw a documentary and learned some stuff i didn't know. here's a link, if you are interested in some of those reasons. if not - that's cool, and i aint gonna try to make anybody read anything. i just got the idea you might be interested www.cnn.com/…/index.html hope you have a nice day/evening/etc...

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

I think that is a very interesting point, @Devine there definitely seems to be a difference in how our society cares or does not care about lives at different ages or stages of life. and sometimes birth does seem to be the priority, but later on, the needs of those that have been born, or were already born seem to be treated as less important... from what i've seen and experienced... i respect that …More
I think that is a very interesting point, @Devine there definitely seems to be a difference in how our society cares or does not care about lives at different ages or stages of life. and sometimes birth does seem to be the priority, but later on, the needs of those that have been born, or were already born seem to be treated as less important... from what i've seen and experienced... i respect that others have a different viewpoint.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

So my question would be... does it make a difference if the doctor performs the abortion to save the woman's life? i don't mean kill the baby to save the mommy, i mean like the baby is terminally ill and won't survive but the mom will also die if she waits for the birth to occur naturally? Just a question, i promise, NOT a judgement. Of course people have different feelings about things because …More
So my question would be... does it make a difference if the doctor performs the abortion to save the woman's life? i don't mean kill the baby to save the mommy, i mean like the baby is terminally ill and won't survive but the mom will also die if she waits for the birth to occur naturally? Just a question, i promise, NOT a judgement. Of course people have different feelings about things because people are different and have different experiences. I just like to hear and discuss points of view that are different from mine... much respect to you either way.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Which version of Peter Pan is your favorite? The disney animated thing... or did you see the stuff in "Enchanted" the tv show? They put a lot of fascinating twists into the classic stories... of course I assumed from your name that you enjoy that story... and if it is your actual name then that's awesome! I once met this couple at a programming conference, and her name was Wendy and his name was …More
Which version of Peter Pan is your favorite? The disney animated thing... or did you see the stuff in "Enchanted" the tv show? They put a lot of fascinating twists into the classic stories... of course I assumed from your name that you enjoy that story... and if it is your actual name then that's awesome! I once met this couple at a programming conference, and her name was Wendy and his name was Peter and they were getting married.
So anyway... the thing you said... i mean that's a perfectly reasonable way to feel about something this yucky and scary and just tragic. :( I have said similar things in the past, but then I learned some things that made me feel differently. the things folks don't usually hear about when people are arguing and trying to present a certain way and partial fact... i'm absolutely not going to argue with you, and i hope I haven't been annoying or rude already. I just would like to share a link to a cnn article with you, in case you feel like reading it. there are facts here that I didn't know before. anyway, here's the link, and I hope you have a wonderful day either way. :D www.cnn.com/…/index.html

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Dude, i totally thought of that creepy (fake?) alien autopsy thing. I mean - this thing isn't funny or what like that... but the visuals were both horrifying and alien/fake-looking

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Oh dear - i seem to be clueless as to how this program works - I would like to speak with MLatorre6645, about the comment you just made, but I don't know how to do it. I agree with you... absolutely... I would NEVER choose this option - this late term option for a healthy fetus just because I decided i wanted to. that would be shameful and dispicable. And of course I want to protect precious little …More
Oh dear - i seem to be clueless as to how this program works - I would like to speak with MLatorre6645, about the comment you just made, but I don't know how to do it. I agree with you... absolutely... I would NEVER choose this option - this late term option for a healthy fetus just because I decided i wanted to. that would be shameful and dispicable. And of course I want to protect precious little lives. In fact that is a beautiful way you phrased it, and I find it makes me weep... what I have found a certain amount of compassion for is cases in which the mother's life is severely threatened or the health of the fetus is so bad as to render it non survivable. There are some pretty compelling, to me, examples in that article... and hi, and good morning... and nice to see your post. :D

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Oh, and on the subject of the "late term abortions" which I think are the aim of this film, to show how horrible and ghastly they are, and make the point that they are evil and should never be an option, etc... so taking that as the first "topic"... many people on either side of the abortion issue in general are totally against, and shocked by, and feel particularly judgementally about the late-term …More
Oh, and on the subject of the "late term abortions" which I think are the aim of this film, to show how horrible and ghastly they are, and make the point that they are evil and should never be an option, etc... so taking that as the first "topic"... many people on either side of the abortion issue in general are totally against, and shocked by, and feel particularly judgementally about the late-term question. I used to think they were the worst thing ever and just reckless and should be banned and all of that... until i learned that it usually isn't just a case of putting off the decision until it gets so late and then having an abortion anyway, It is quite rare, and only occurs at all in very extreme situations of danger to the mother or in the fetus being so unhealthy that it may only live for a short and horribly painful time, and may already be suffering in the womb to the point where it is a kind of euthanasia... anyway, they are indeed horrible, and extreme, and gross, and unpleasant, and tragic. If anyone is interested, I found a nice short article by a reputable (imho) source... and I would be interested to hear if people feel differently after reading it. www.cnn.com/…/index.html "They had abortions late in their pregnancies. These are their stories" there are also several links that appear to have some good info: lmgtfy.com i promise i am not trying to sway anyone, i am just interested in the discussion. I feel like we all have feelings, strong feelings, and maybe some honest, open, yet polite/respectful discussion might do all of us some good. I mean, I already *know* what i think... i'm interested in what *others* think. Thank you. Best wishes.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Wow - quite an involved discussion on such a complicated topic. Clearly there are lots of feelings involved, and lots of perfectly good human beings with very different experiences and points of view, resulting in a wide variety of positions, and a lot of points of disagreement and contention. I think all of these viewpoints are valid and important, and i think there is some very useful conversation …More
Wow - quite an involved discussion on such a complicated topic. Clearly there are lots of feelings involved, and lots of perfectly good human beings with very different experiences and points of view, resulting in a wide variety of positions, and a lot of points of disagreement and contention. I think all of these viewpoints are valid and important, and i think there is some very useful conversation to be had if anyone is interested in really digging in. I'd like to start by getting a "roll-call" on something I think we *all* agree on: gosh, that video was scary, and difficult to watch, and certainly graphic. Not something anyone wants to look at, or wants to even think that such a thing exists. Have I guessed correctly? Is that one thing that we all agree on and/or have in commmon? Does anyone have something else they think we can probably all agree on? I dare say, that deep down, we would all be happy if there didn't have to be abortions - if our common life situation were such that there just wasn't anybody who wanted/needed one and they just didn't have to happen? If all pregnancies were on-purpose, healthy, and resulted in a healthy happy child with a perfect situation to be born into? I may be going out on a limb here, and I promise I have no intentions to offend or upset, and if I've done that already, I apologize and ask for a "do-over". Thanks for your attention.