
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

The babies should be allowed to live.
Women should have the right to do what they want to THEIR body.
THEIR body ends where the BABIES BODY begins.
Get it?
2 different bodies.
2 different lives.
One does not have the right to take the other, in America that is called murder.
Have you ever heard of adoption?
That is what to be done with all of the children in your little speach.
Give them up …More
The babies should be allowed to live.
Women should have the right to do what they want to THEIR body.
THEIR body ends where the BABIES BODY begins.
Get it?
2 different bodies.
2 different lives.
One does not have the right to take the other, in America that is called murder.
Have you ever heard of adoption?
That is what to be done with all of the children in your little speach.
Give them up for adoption.
Many people are waiting for a baby.
Many couples can not have children and have to adopt.
Why murder all of those children?
WTF is wrong with you?!
And I'm not speaking from some high and mighty place.
I have been pregnant 10 times.
I have 6 children and I lost 1.
And at 15 and 17 I murdered 2.
And at 29, I murdered 1 for medical reasons.
I have to live with that.
At 15 and 17, I shouldn't have been doing what I was doing to get pregnant in the first place.