
Six French Priests Arrested for Non-Sexual “Abuses”

French Police arrested on January 16 six priests of the Old Rite Institut de la Sainte-Croix de Riaumont, a community of Benedictine oblates which runs a residential village for about 30 boys and a Scout group near Pas-de-Calais, France.

The six priests were held in custody in Lille on charges of “physical violence” on children of their boarding school, allegedly committed between 2008 and 2014.

The community was erected by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei. Only last summer, public authorities inspected the place without finding shortcomings.

The former prior of the community was removed in 2017 after pornographic images of minors were found on his computer.

A left-wing campaign, backed by the oligarch media, to vilify the children’s village has been going on for years. The school uses the [very successful] traditional Catholic pedagogics.

Picture: riaumont.net, #newsUbnlkqufgo