The Ordo Militaris Inc Twitter Page Has Been Deleted!

Here are Screenshots from direct email communication from the President of Ordo Militaris to me about the stopping of the planes in France and JFK airport in New York City:

This is what happened when I clicked the link

So not Only has Twitter Suspended but kept the apperance of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ is active, but now it has shut down two accounts, Ordo Militaris United Kingdom; right when I added our Trademarked Cross, and now the Official Business Twitter Account for the Order, Ordo Militaris Catholicus Inc!

When Ordo Militaris Catholicus was founded, we were founded in the EU; in Italy I believed, so when they suspended the HQ account, they broke EU Law, now they are going after the Inc account for the actual corporation, to stop and hurt business of the company, this is against US Law.

The Order has filed numerous Federal and EU lawsuits against Twitter for this, expect more lawsuits to come.

AJ for Ordo Militaris Catholicus!

Ordo Militaris Radio
At 5:18 AM Central Time, “Okay, I just checked, it appears is back online now, interesting, why would it be offline during the Congressional Hearing with Twitter? Anyone have answers?”