Why the Homosexuals are Winning

Here’s the real reason why the gay homosexual (ED) activists are winning: because Americans have forgotten or been brainwashed to forget that there is such a thing as objective truth. Truth has been relativized completely.

What is right and wrong is not now determined by either natural law or divinely revealed law. Instead what is right or wrong is determined by the three secular virtues. The new yardstick is not “is it morally right or wrong according to natural law and divine law” but “does it make me feel sad or happy?” “Does it work? Is it effective?” and “Is everybody being equal and is everyone being tolerant?” If something makes you feel happy, seems to be useful and doesn’t seem to discriminate against anyone, then it’s okay.

It is clear that this problem is not unique to the homosexual debate. Indeed, these secular virtues determine most all moral decisions made by Americans–from politicians in highest positions of power down to the decisions made by individuals on what they will do with their money, who they will have sex with, what direction their career will go, how to treat their neighbors and what religion to follow.

This is why, in so man ways, the homosexual debate in America is a symptom, not a cause of the moral decay of the country. The fact of the matter is that Americans have rejected the idea of both divine law and natural law, and the consequence will be a continued descent first into moral and societal chaos, then into open anarchy, and finally to control the anarchy a system of totalitarian government.

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The problem ist, that most people shut their mouth like the germans at nazi-time.
Stand up against these perverts, and say your opinion!More
The problem ist, that most people shut their mouth like the germans at nazi-time.

Stand up against these perverts, and say your opinion!
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
The reason they are winning is that America has forgotten that law is based on morals, not “fairness”. And, the moral base that was previously agreed upon was the Bible. It did not require that we kill homosexuals (any longer, since that was the Mosaic Law), but it clearly set out that adultery, homosexuality, dishonesty, thievery, murder, even gossip were wrong and not to be encouraged. The society …More
The reason they are winning is that America has forgotten that law is based on morals, not “fairness”. And, the moral base that was previously agreed upon was the Bible. It did not require that we kill homosexuals (any longer, since that was the Mosaic Law), but it clearly set out that adultery, homosexuality, dishonesty, thievery, murder, even gossip were wrong and not to be encouraged. The society has abandoned this view and taken up a non-existent, mish-mash of competing claims as the new moral foundation. Collapse will likely follow.

But, actually, the public is directing this march into oblivion. And, many of the so-called Christian organizations are falling into the same hole. We no longer look to the Scriptures to guide our lawmaking, we look to degenerate opinion.