
Homosexual Vatican Monsignor Arrested: Drugs And Gay Parties

Cardinal Cocopalmerio is also against upholding marriage. In an "inauthentic" interpretation of canon law, he turned the canon law for protecting families from unilateral no-fault divorce upside down. He is THE reason that my bishop will not approve my trifold flyer. I publicize "a Catholic needs the bishop's permission before filing for civil divorce" and I have many sources supporting this assertion …More
Cardinal Cocopalmerio is also against upholding marriage. In an "inauthentic" interpretation of canon law, he turned the canon law for protecting families from unilateral no-fault divorce upside down. He is THE reason that my bishop will not approve my trifold flyer. I publicize "a Catholic needs the bishop's permission before filing for civil divorce" and I have many sources supporting this assertion. Cardinal Cocopalmerio says I'm wrong. Our controversy is awaiting a resolution from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fatih.

"annulment process abused for many years"

For an example of abuse, you can listen to a tribunal judge say that those who have an intellectual perspective (i.e. lawyers, engineers, and accountants) could be incapable of entering a valid marriage. Hear it yourself.
How Do They Pull it Off? 100% Marriage Annulments
With the non-profit organization, Mary's Advocates, I work to reduce unilateral no-fault divorce and support those who are unjustly …More
For an example of abuse, you can listen to a tribunal judge say that those who have an intellectual perspective (i.e. lawyers, engineers, and accountants) could be incapable of entering a valid marriage. Hear it yourself.
How Do They Pull it Off? 100% Marriage Annulments
With the non-profit organization, Mary's Advocates, I work to reduce unilateral no-fault divorce and support those who are unjustly abandoned. We help spouses defend their marriage against accusations of nullity also.

Unseen for centuries: Four Cardinals demand Pope Francis to clarify Amoris Laetitia

The end of my story over at Spero News shows a real life example of "Amoris Leatitia" being used as a reason for a diocesan staff person to fail to practice the spiritual work of mercy of admonishing the sinner. This admonishment could result in protecting children from being given scandal, or could result in reconciliation of a marriage breakup.…/79314-Pope-Fran…