
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

So can I call off work when I'm on period? They don't talk about pads or tampons in the Bible.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

What if I don't believe in your god?

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

It's not, but okay!

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Cool, Vamp, don't get pregnant. We done need people who like their own posts in this world.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Of course you call women "females"

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

"If you don't want kids <PERIOD> Have your tubes...."

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

I just find it hilarious that Vamp thinks that everyone who gets an abortion didn't bother with birth control, or has a clinic in their area.
Need an abortion? You're clearly a slut, according to certain people. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that your contraception failed, that you were assaulted, that you wanted that pregnancy but it will kill your or it's not viable. Nah, you're just a dirty slut.
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I just find it hilarious that Vamp thinks that everyone who gets an abortion didn't bother with birth control, or has a clinic in their area.
Need an abortion? You're clearly a slut, according to certain people. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that your contraception failed, that you were assaulted, that you wanted that pregnancy but it will kill your or it's not viable. Nah, you're just a dirty slut.
This is the kind of person trying to shut down places like PP, yet is telling people to go there?

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Cool, keep your legs closed, "Vampchick", and maybe try minding your own uterus.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Do you tell that to rape victims?