
John Corapi: Special Announcement. June 17, 2011

To The Black Sheep Dog:
I have listened to 2 of your messages dating to 2011 and I just read the report posted about the SOLT position.
There is so much that I would share with you but only you as I too sense that I might a little black puppy as I am an older man. But I have stood with truth as you have so often spoken about. And you have spoken so well that T r us T is one of the essential stances …More
To The Black Sheep Dog:

I have listened to 2 of your messages dating to 2011 and I just read the report posted about the SOLT position.

There is so much that I would share with you but only you as I too sense that I might a little black puppy as I am an older man. But I have stood with truth as you have so often spoken about. And you have spoken so well that T r us T is one of the essential stances to hold with. I spelled trust the way I did as that is how the Lord revealed it to me in this manner. T = Jesus on His Cross | r = His returning | us= us/"all of us" to our t = our own personal cross And then when we accept our cross we can then be enabled to join with Him on His cross and then through that union we consequentially have the strength to Trust. And so John, you are in the fortress of trusting the Lord, who knows exactly what is and has taken place. When you were in Arlington Heights, Illinois for the Knights of Columbus presentation, I attended. Joe Biagbi is a friend of mine and of yours. I saw him with you while signing the books. I did not come up to you as you appeared fatigued and besieged by many folks desiring to be close to a light in the Church. However, I did speak with a woman of slight build who said that she was your right hand and I spoke about my desire to share some faith encounter matters with you and she said that she could arrange that and provided a number. I did call later but she did not reply. However, as I walked away a strange sensation came over me and the thought was: "why is that woman involved in Father's ministry. I sensed an oddness about her". Anyway, I do not know if that woman is/was a complainant but if so that is what my spirit was sensing. Trouble on the horizon. Anyway, your fruits have facilitated the return to a more humble approach to faith on millions of lives. Should those folks remain loyal to the faith and remain humble in the practice of their faith then good has bloomed. Amen Father John. should you wish to make contact you should be able to through this web.