
Bergoglio hat Unrecht

The Catholic Spring that's talked about is much bigger than anybody realizes. It's not just a few communist groups funded by the John Podesta and George Soros. It is the culmination of Hugo Chavez' life work.
Hugo Chavez is the man who resurrected Liberation Theology against the wishes of Pope Benedict. The Bolivarian Revolution was named after Simon Bolivar "The Liberator" because it is the basis …More
The Catholic Spring that's talked about is much bigger than anybody realizes. It's not just a few communist groups funded by the John Podesta and George Soros. It is the culmination of Hugo Chavez' life work.

Hugo Chavez is the man who resurrected Liberation Theology against the wishes of Pope Benedict. The Bolivarian Revolution was named after Simon Bolivar "The Liberator" because it is the basis of the entire Catholic Spring Soviet take-over of the Catholic Church.

Bergoglio hat Unrecht

This is because Francis was put into power by Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez, and the Russians. I have posted my research on how they are all linked together here on my Facebook page.…/1450493108345129More
This is because Francis was put into power by Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez, and the Russians. I have posted my research on how they are all linked together here on my Facebook page.…/1450493108345129