
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

We should give every woman the rights to decide whether to abort the child in their womb or not. Before speaking anything bad about those who condone and have committed this thing you should first try to put yourself in their shoes. Are you going to let the child live every time you’ll get raped? What if you get raped for 5 times and conceive a child every single time and don’t abort all of them?…More
We should give every woman the rights to decide whether to abort the child in their womb or not. Before speaking anything bad about those who condone and have committed this thing you should first try to put yourself in their shoes. Are you going to let the child live every time you’ll get raped? What if you get raped for 5 times and conceive a child every single time and don’t abort all of them? How are you going to support the needs of those 5 children? What if you don’t even have a decent job to support the needs of just a single child? What if your boyfriend got you pregnant and just suddenly left you behind for another girl? How are you going to raise that child if you can hardly support your own needs? What if your wife gets raped and conceive a child? Are you going to let the child live? What if your wife gets raped for many times and conceive in each of those times? Are you going to let all of those children live? What about if your daughter gets raped multiple times and conceive every single time? Are you going to let every child live? Are you going to let the child live every time your wife gets impregnated by rapists? Are you going to let the child live every time your daughter gets impregnated by her boyfriend or rapists? What do you think of your wife and daughter, swine!? If you say ‘yes’ then congratulations, you are a Good Samaritan, keep up the good work. It’s easy to judge others and be a venerated hypocrite. Stop judging those women if you’re not the ones who’s going to feed and give a good life to those aborted fetuses. Most of them don’t want it but they have to do it. Try to emphatize with those women before judging them.

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any talk can't do anything about climate change because the money of the rich people matters most to them