Rumours of an Apostolic Consitution that will make Traditionis Custodes look like a love letter to Traditionlists.


Rumour or fact? We don't know, but unfortunately, the memory of the rumours of late June & early July of 2021 are all too fresh in my mind.From Una Voce Mexico's FB page, translated …
Credo .

Is the Ban Hammer About to Fall on the TLM?

Rumours of an Apostolic Constitution limiting the TLM far more than TC did. ALERT ALERT ALERT!!! Rumour or fact? We don't know, but unfortunately, the memory of the rumours of late June & early July …More
Rumours of an Apostolic Constitution limiting the TLM far more than TC did.
Rumour or fact? We don't know, but unfortunately, the memory of the rumours of late June & early July of 2021 are all too fresh in my mind.

Let's Convert Francis and His Minions!

Let's Convert Francis and His Minions! Will you join me? I got this idea from the young lad who started a campaign of prayer to convert Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York. I had already been praying …More
Let's Convert Francis and His Minions!
Will you join me? I got this idea from the young lad who started a campaign of prayer to convert Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York. I had already been praying for Francis's return to the Catholic Faith for some time, before seeing this youngster's initiative.
Each morning, as part of my morning prayers, each evening, and often throughout the day, I recite the Fatima Angel's prayer three times:
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love You. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in You, do not adore You, do not trust in You, and do not love You.
Followed by 'For our Holy Father , Francis, N., and all the Bishops and Clergy who have fallen away from the Faith'. At the 'N', I insert the name of a prominent Cardinal, Bishop, or other Cleric who is openly opposing the Divine and Catholic Faith.
Then, in petition and reparation, I say the St Michael prayer .
Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle, be our protection against the …More