
Vienna Western Mass 2011 Is Cancelled

It is understandable that this unusual type of gathering is intended to get ("strayed") people back into the Catholic faith. However, there are too many things that have been foregone to even begin to justify it. Surely there are better, more formal ways of getting people interested back into the faith in this type of informal environment than this. For example if they had set aside a more appropriate …More
It is understandable that this unusual type of gathering is intended to get ("strayed") people back into the Catholic faith. However, there are too many things that have been foregone to even begin to justify it. Surely there are better, more formal ways of getting people interested back into the faith in this type of informal environment than this. For example if they had set aside a more appropriate environment, such as a special tent facility which was set apart, and seperate from this particular area. Have it more formal, where attendants would have to leave their cigarettes, drinks, food, and misc. behind ~ and sit in a more reverent area to respectfully celebrate the mass. It can be done, but with more effort on providing a more respectful area, using more appropriate music, and more formal items. The Priest should have more control of the surrounding environment, attempting to make the service more solemn, and respectful. It was the appropriate thing to do to shut this particular event down.