
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of January 2013

A little tongue-tied today, Lucia? ๐Ÿ˜Š

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Aaron, you're confusing pigeons with sea gulls. Sea gulls are winged rats! Totally inedible as far as I can tell. ๐Ÿคฎ Now what is Doina reading here? The classifieds? Merry Christmas to everyone at

Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of November

Looks like Lucia enjoyed reporting that last story! Anyway, it is prayer which ultimately will keep a marriage together, not romance. Romance is indeed an important part of marriage, but even more important is prayer. The family that prays together stays together!

Christian Evangelists Exposed. faith 'healers', miracle workers and con artists...humorย :)

ROFL!!! I'm ashamed I used to believe that garbage.

Do Crosses Violate "Human Rights" of Muslims

Nobody said these Muslims HAD to go to a Catholic university! ๐Ÿ˜ก

Gloria TV News on the 25th of October

That's wonderful news about the Turkish Armenians! Now to see them return to the unity of the Catholic Church! Buna ziua, Doina!

Catholic Europe/Catholic America

Americans are being conditioned to embrace atheism through movies and books like The Da Vinci Code and television shows like Family Guy, as well as through the Masonic Government Indoctrination Centres, aka the Public School system. We need a good Rosary Crusade here and in Europe. Miracles have happened through the Rosary, like Lepanto in 1571, and the thwarting of a communist coup in Brazil (I โ€ฆMore
Americans are being conditioned to embrace atheism through movies and books like The Da Vinci Code and television shows like Family Guy, as well as through the Masonic Government Indoctrination Centres, aka the Public School system. We need a good Rosary Crusade here and in Europe. Miracles have happened through the Rosary, like Lepanto in 1571, and the thwarting of a communist coup in Brazil (I think) in the 1960s. I think a Rosary Crusade will save America and Europe from atheism and/or Islamism. ๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ˜ก

Romania - Towards the Sun. We present our documentary "Towards the sun" . Production Date: 2006 Duration โ€ฆ

Truly a wonderful priest to have endured all that the Communist Government of Romania had made him endure. Surely his reward will be great in heaven. And he is an example to us for when we will have to endure that in what was once known as the Free World. ๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ‘

The Crusade (9-26-2011) REAL CATHOLIC TV: "When someone attacks the Catholic Church about the Crusades โ€ฆ

That is truly amazing history! Thanks for sharing this. ๐Ÿ‘

Gloria TV News on the 26th of September

Hats off to Kandace for her delivery of three heathy baby girls! And Doina, thanks for your delivery of my daily Catholic news! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿง

Islamization of England. Islamization Of England

Right you are, marthe. Islam's only strength is in the sword and in sheer numbers. With roughly 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, they are a force to be reckoned with. But the Islamic religion is truly a heresy based on Judaism and an heretical form of Christianity. An examination of the Scriptures and the Fathers, Doctors, and Councils will dispel the claims of Islam.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of Visitation, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

Welcome back, Doina! I hope you had a wonderful vacation. Take care, and God bless you.

Veiling For Mass. Veiling For Mass

To Catholiccat: Yes, it is true that the Popes and Bishops all have their heads covered at Mass. However, during the Canon of the Mass, their heads are not covered at all; neither with the miter nor the zuchetto.

Revolutia Romaneasca 1989 Acest film este dedicat victimelor revolutiei

My great grandmother would have loved to have seen that day, I'm sure. She died just under 6 months before Ceaucescu was toppled. I know I was happy to see the end of the Communist regime in Romania!

Part 1 of 5:Shelley Lubben speaks truth about porn industry

A very powerful message. Yes, this video might not be Catholic, but the message is very good. People need to see this woman's story. ๐Ÿ‘

Rev. Pfleger Calls for Women Priests (From 4/11/10 Sermon)

Who does this clown think he is anyway? Rod Parsley? T.D. Jakes? Benny Hinn? ๐Ÿ˜ก

Rev. Pfleger Holy Thursday 2010 Eucharistic Prayer

Wow! You couldn't ask for a more obvious heretic and apostate! He's even wearing a Jewish talith, and has the "altar" set up like it's the Last Supper! I remember Pope Pius XII saying something to the effect that it is not good for the altar to be restored to its primitive table form. Yet here this clown is! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ก
Let's pray and hope this heretic and apostate converts and repents before he leaves โ€ฆMore
Wow! You couldn't ask for a more obvious heretic and apostate! He's even wearing a Jewish talith, and has the "altar" set up like it's the Last Supper! I remember Pope Pius XII saying something to the effect that it is not good for the altar to be restored to its primitive table form. Yet here this clown is! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜ก

Let's pray and hope this heretic and apostate converts and repents before he leaves this world. It will be horrible for him in the next otherwise.