Unspeakable Vandalism In Fatima

We need to be more Christian now, at times like these to forgive these haters and pray for their souls, it's simple to do, just ask Jesus.

Some Minn. priests differ with Catholic church over marriage amendment

A little excommunication is whats needed here. These are priests? Everything Mother Church says or nothing,... know why?......BECAUSE God Said So, THATS WHY!!! There is no room for debate on this subject any more, that's it!

Atheist Communists slaughtered more than 100 Million people in the last century

Wake up people, "atheist communists" slaughtered 100 million people last week!!! Check out what's going on around world. Look at what's going on in Syria, Somalia, Sudan, northern Egypt, all throughout Africa and other continents around the globe, and it's not 'people' they're slaughtering, it's Christians, our brothers and sisters who are in desparate need of our constant prayers. So please don't …More
Wake up people, "atheist communists" slaughtered 100 million people last week!!! Check out what's going on around world. Look at what's going on in Syria, Somalia, Sudan, northern Egypt, all throughout Africa and other continents around the globe, and it's not 'people' they're slaughtering, it's Christians, our brothers and sisters who are in desparate need of our constant prayers. So please don't let them get away with this headline, this headline sounds like it's coming from the six o'clock news on some local 'atheist communist' anywhere in america t.v. news station ( t.v. magazine ). So please turn off your t.v.'s and get properly informed about what is going on in the world if you haven't already done so.


Everyone wants to be accpted by the Catholic church...... go ahead and attack Her, every time you do She gets stronger,....... Just a warning, the gates of hell will not prevail against Her!!! Bring it on, you can bash Her, She will continue to pray for you, and as always "peace be with you". And thank you for reconfirming that the end times are near, if it weren't for you, thousands and thousands …More
Everyone wants to be accpted by the Catholic church...... go ahead and attack Her, every time you do She gets stronger,....... Just a warning, the gates of hell will not prevail against Her!!! Bring it on, you can bash Her, She will continue to pray for you, and as always "peace be with you". And thank you for reconfirming that the end times are near, if it weren't for you, thousands and thousands of people who normally wouldn't be praying for you, now are,.......see, already getting stronger, thank you!!

"My 'Catholic' Faith Compels Me to Support Gay 'marriage'."

Naaanncy, Naaanncy,Two points: first of all your not a Catholic, your a communist. And second point: Should I get 1% milk or 2%? Only have enough money for one, gonna have to hurt some poor cows feelings, gonna have to discriminate. Now I've purchased my milk and have to walk home. Do I go down the street where I always get robbed, or do I go down the next street where nothing bad has ever happened …More
Naaanncy, Naaanncy,Two points: first of all your not a Catholic, your a communist. And second point: Should I get 1% milk or 2%? Only have enough money for one, gonna have to hurt some poor cows feelings, gonna have to discriminate. Now I've purchased my milk and have to walk home. Do I go down the street where I always get robbed, or do I go down the next street where nothing bad has ever happened to me? Uh oh, gonna have to discriminate,...again. I hope the bad guys don't get their feelings hurt, I just can't afford to get robbed tonight,....but I'll be getting paid in a few days.
The truth about obama's decision is that he plans on turning America into a muslim nation, and we all know how the peaceful people of islam treat gays and be careful, and don't forget that Holy Mother Church has always loved you and always will. You just can't have her blessing in marriage, it must be a terrible cross to bare, but the good news is that God will guide you every step of the way if you ask and trust in Him. p.s. I can't believe I wasted one second on pelosi.........ah such a waste

Planned Parenthood's '40 Days of Prayer'

Look at the gnashing of teeth by Planned Parenthood, keep up the good work pro-lifers, God bless, all your hard work and prayers are begining to show.

Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan on Iran

Israel will never be defeated, it's everywhere in the bible, shhh, don't tell Iran......

The Case for Gay Acceptance in the Catholic Church

It's really very simple, why does everyone want to make it more difficult than it needs to be. If your a catholic you are called to one of two vocations. The first is a vocation to serve God and the holy catholic church in some capacity whether as a brother, priest, nun, sister, a missionary, regardless, all of these vocations call for a life of chastity, period. The second vocation would be a …More
It's really very simple, why does everyone want to make it more difficult than it needs to be. If your a catholic you are called to one of two vocations. The first is a vocation to serve God and the holy catholic church in some capacity whether as a brother, priest, nun, sister, a missionary, regardless, all of these vocations call for a life of chastity, period. The second vocation would be a caliing to parenthood, procreation, which requires the sacrament of marriage to be bestowed upon one man and one woman by a priest or some other qualified clergy and that's it folks. Marriage is the only place where sex has any relavance. That's it! Everyone else is called to a life of chastity, commitment to God, a call to be a saint. There are no legal loopholes so stop looking, that's if you really want to be a catholic. "Well do ya?" So lets recap, saint, or mommy or daddy.

Lesbian with kids in Catholic school demands removal of Catechism quote on homosexuality

Okay, does anybody know where the "board" is? I'm sure they weren't aware of this terrible offensive oversight, and if there's anything else that you think the catholic church should change like maybe something in the gospels or in the old testament, just tell the "board" what it is, I'm more than certain they'll change it for You, after all the aim of the holy catholic church should be to make sure …More
Okay, does anybody know where the "board" is? I'm sure they weren't aware of this terrible offensive oversight, and if there's anything else that you think the catholic church should change like maybe something in the gospels or in the old testament, just tell the "board" what it is, I'm more than certain they'll change it for You, after all the aim of the holy catholic church should be to make sure YOU don't feel uncomfortable, after all. I think your right, "an openly gay friendly church" must be the churches aim. Your a friggin' lunatic, you know that, right?

Twinkle Twinkle. Little Star

Best thing I've heard or seen all week

Archdiocese of Detroit asks Michael Voris to stop using the name ‘Catholic’

Detroit? Poor Detroit, not the most blessed city in America; wonder why? Hmmmm