Pope on Christianity's 'radical equality' CNS on Apr 29, 2015 Pope Francis spoke about the 'radical equality' of husband and wife during his weekly general audience April 29.More
Pope on Christianity's 'radical equality'

CNS on Apr 29, 2015 Pope Francis spoke about the 'radical equality' of husband and wife during his weekly general audience April 29.
Leonard Wessell
How much more, oh Lord? Radical equality before God as being fully complementary (differences augment each other) has been turned by this Pope into a political propaganda for "SAMEness" of salary, a propaganda onslaught dear to "radical" and not so radical feminism. I will leave aside the non-analytical problems in making such determinations. What counts, is that the Pope has ruined the rich notion …More
How much more, oh Lord? Radical equality before God as being fully complementary (differences augment each other) has been turned by this Pope into a political propaganda for "SAMEness" of salary, a propaganda onslaught dear to "radical" and not so radical feminism. I will leave aside the non-analytical problems in making such determinations. What counts, is that the Pope has ruined the rich notion of being complementary, transforming it into indistinct sameness as a principle. Oh, the Pope only useed the monetary and hence measureable value of pay as an example. Of what? Of sameness!!! And "sameness" is the principle implied and a principle applicable to endless situations. Let me invent such an example. A mother gives birth and wishes to stay home and nurish the baby. Oh, oh, that means that she will, based on seniority agreements pushed by unions, fall behind in salary when she returns YEARS later. The time absent from work results in the woman receiving less than a man who continued. So, what to do (borrowing a title from a book by Lenin)? Get her child into a government run institution (like in China) as soon as possible (say after 6 months). This would enable the woman to have just about the mathmatically "same" time at work and therefore not being monetarily damaged by time loss due to that inconventient (i.e., for "sameness" and not for "complitariness") disturbance of her work life with its union rules, accepted by management. I am not just being imaginary here as such policies are beginning to come to Germany where I live. Alas, as I often enough have complained, the current Pope is a leftist ideologue lacking adequate economic theory (naturally from my point of view). David Goldman, a conservative economist (among many accomplishments) and adherent to Modern Orthodox Judiasm (was one of the founders of First Things First, an excellent interfaith journal of religion and respected in the US), once noted that Pope Francis appears to be more interested in saving the world, than saving souls. By shifting his focus from the complementary nature of marriage to the sameness ideology of the left, he has, indeed, transformed a spiritual matter into a secular one, i.e.,he has failed in his one and only real function as Pope, namely human interrelationships re salvation from and through God. (And as a leftist ideologue he is only of importance through his unwise use of the prestige of his office.) Oh, Lord, why this burden? I seek religious sustenance and get secular pablum.