Leonard Wessell
Leonard Wessell shares from Antimodernist
Jorge Bergoglio, die Initiative Vereinte Religionen (URI) und der Fundamentalismus. Bei der Recherche zu dem Beitrag Der okkulte Charakter der Vereinten Nationen (UN) stieß ich unweigerlich auf die …More
Jorge Bergoglio, die Initiative Vereinte Religionen (URI) und der Fundamentalismus.
Bei der Recherche zu dem Beitrag Der okkulte Charakter der Vereinten Nationen (UN) stieß ich unweigerlich auf die UN-Organisation U.R.I. - Die Nachforschungen haben einiges zu Tage gebracht, was das Verhalten und die Reden von Herrn Bergoglio verständlicher macht.
26 pages
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 15th of November 2016 A New Che Guevara? Vittorio Agnoletto, the Italian speaker of the left-wing alter-globalization movement considers Pope Francis the ethical and moral reference …More
Gloria.TV News on the 15th of November 2016
A New Che Guevara? Vittorio Agnoletto, the Italian speaker of the left-wing alter-globalization movement considers Pope Francis the ethical and moral reference of his movement, especially since the election of Donald Trump. On November 5th, Pope Francis held an international meeting of 180 left-wing agitators in the Vatican.
Ideological Fanaticism: At the meeting of these agitators, Francis said: “I make your cry mine.” The Roman historian Roberto di Mattei commented: “Unfortunately, this cry is characterized by ideological fanaticism.”
Strange Sympathies: De Mattei also points out that Francis has sympathy for bankrupt left-wing regimes like China, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador or Venezuela. But he never approved the extraordinary gesture of Perù’s president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski who, on October 21st, consecrated his country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
A Politician: According to the Italian journalist Antonio Socci …More
Leonard Wessell shares from KathStern

Schweden erlaubt als erstes EU-Land ISIS-Flagge

In Schweden ist nun von einem Gericht entschieden worden, dass es erlaubt ist, die Flagge des Islamischen Staates (ISIS) zu hissen. Ein 23-jähriger …
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 16th of September 2016 Heresy: In a Sept. 5th letter to the bishops of Buenos Aires, Pope Francis clearly expresses support for allowing remarried divorcees to receive Holy …More
Gloria.TV News on the 16th of September 2016
Heresy: In a Sept. 5th letter to the bishops of Buenos Aires, Pope Francis clearly expresses support for allowing remarried divorcees to receive Holy Communion despite the fact that they continue living in fornication. Francis adds that such sacrilegious communions will – quote – “do much good.” In reality, in countries like Germany or Switzerland where such practices have been followed for decades, it has led to a total break-down of Catholic marriage.
Church Like the Nazis? Ex-Benedict XVI recounts in his recent book his desertion as a conscripted member of the Nazi Youth in 1945 at the age of 17. He decided to go home despite the risk of being shot. At a launch of the book in Munich his secretary, Archbishop Gänswein, said when he read that, it felt like a “déjà vu” experience, a “hidden key” that helped explain his resignation. Quote: “He was so certain of this, like a sleepwalker against 1,000 aggressors, and in the summer of 2012, a …More
Gloria Global am 18. August 2016 Kein einziger Bischof Schweiz. Am 17. September findet in Bern der „Marsch fürs Läbe“ statt. Kein einziger Schweizer Bischof ist bereit, daran teilzunehmen. Die Polizei …More
Gloria Global am 18. August 2016
Kein einziger Bischof
Schweiz. Am 17. September findet in Bern der „Marsch fürs Läbe“ statt. Kein einziger Schweizer Bischof ist bereit, daran teilzunehmen. Die Polizei hat einen Marsch durch die Berner Innenstadt wegen zu erwartender Gewaltattacken verboten und will eine feststehende Kundgebung. Die gewalttätigen Kämpfer gegen das Leben stammen aus der sozialdemokratischen, grünen und Homosex-Ecke.
Niemand will die Beichte als Gesprächstherapie
Deutschland. Gestern Propst Michael Ludwig von der Bochumer Propsteikirche vor einer Tageszeitung, dass der Empfang des Sakraments quantitativ zurückgegangen sei. Nur die ältere Generation gehe noch beichten. Ludwig glaubt, dass die Beichte dazu da ist, bei Lebensbrüchen mit Zuspruch zu helfen.
Papst bringt Kurie auf Kurs
Vatikan. Gestern hat Papst Franziskus die Päpstlichen Räte für die Familie und die Laien zusammengelegt. Als Präfekt ernannte Franziskus den ultraliberalen Bischof Kevin Joseph Farrell von Dallas …More
Gloria Global am 17. August 2016 Endloser Konzilswinter Deutschland. Die Zahl der Priesterweihen in Deutschland erreichte im Jahr 2015 mit 58 ein neues Rekordtief. Noch vor zehn Jahren waren es mehr …More
Gloria Global am 17. August 2016
Endloser Konzilswinter
Deutschland. Die Zahl der Priesterweihen in Deutschland erreichte im Jahr 2015 mit 58 ein neues Rekordtief. Noch vor zehn Jahren waren es mehr als doppelt so viele, nämlich 122. Im Jahr 1965 wurden für die deutschen Diözesen 500 Priester geweiht.
Österreich. An Mariä Himmelfahrt weihte Erzbischof Franz Lackner in der Wallfahrtskirche „Unsere Liebe Frau“ im Lungau, der größten Pfarrkirche der Diözese, einen Volksaltar. Die Kirche wurde für zwei Millionen Euro renoviert. Der Altar ist ein unförmiger Marmorblock mit Aushöhlungen, die, viel Fantasie vorausgesetzt, an die Seitenwunde Jesu erinnern sollen.
Kloster wird Hotel
Kanada. Letztes Jahr bauten die Augustinerinnen in Quebec ihr Kloster für umgerechnet 30 Millionen Euro in ein Wellness-Hotel um. Das Kloster stammt aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 1965 lebten dort 170 Nonnen in strenger Klausur. Jetzt sind noch acht Schwestern übriggeblieben. Das Hotel wird …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of August 2016 Dying at the Hands of Pope Francis? Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, a staunched Catholic, has criticized the Vatican’s attempts to hand over the Chinese …More
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of August 2016
Dying at the Hands of Pope Francis? Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, a staunched Catholic, has criticized the Vatican’s attempts to hand over the Chinese Catholic Church to the Communist regime. This is what Cardinal Zen said: “For many years, our enemies have failed to kill us. Now we have to die at the hands of our Father. Okay, we're going to die.”
Pro-Death: The Lepanto Institute has found out that 98% of the political donations of the employees of the so-called Catholic Relieve Services go to pro-abortion candidates. The organization Catholic Relieve Services is a member of Caritas International and belongs to the American bishops.
No Procession: The procession for the feast of the Assumption, which is organized by the Catholic parish of Lourdes, France, and which takes place in the town, not in the sanctuary, will not happen this year. The prefect and the mayor of Lourdes do not have the necessary money to guarantee the security of …More

Bergoglio to Youth: God Prefers Us to be Sinful and Weak

Mahound's paradise Blog: Yes, Bergoglio said this to young people, many of whom are wrestling with all sorts of temptations right now. For the record, saying God wants us to be morally weak is a vicious …More
Mahound's paradise Blog: Yes, Bergoglio said this to young people, many of whom are wrestling with all sorts of temptations right now.
For the record, saying God wants us to be morally weak is a vicious and damnable lie.
Catechism of Trent
Sin is opposed to grace
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification:[a] that you abstain from immorality;[b] 4 that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5 not in the passion of lust like heathen who do not know God; 6 that no man transgress, and wrong his brother in this matter,[c] because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we solemnly forewarned you. 7 For God has not called us for uncleanness, but in holiness. 8 Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
2 Peter 2:20-22Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE) 20 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Remnant newspaper
The Lake Garda Statement: On the 'Catholic' Apotheosis of Luther. In July of 2016, academics and Catholic activists from all over Europe and the Americas met on the shores of Lake Garda in Italy in a …More
The Lake Garda Statement: On the 'Catholic' Apotheosis of Luther.
In July of 2016, academics and Catholic activists from all over Europe and the Americas met on the shores of Lake Garda in Italy in a symposium designed to study the myriad errors of Martin Luther and the disaster that is Pope Francis's plan to travel to Sweden next year to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Revolt. At the conclusion of this year's symposium, Dr. John Rao presented the "Lake Garda Statement".
Leonard Wessell shares from VOICEOFTHESHEEP

First "pope"ever...

Let's be clear, 1st thing: "papa" Frank is not crazy as he only shoots his arrows to Catholics and no one else, 2nd: his so called opinions and "no part of the magisterium" exhortations, have dangerous …More
Let's be clear, 1st thing: "papa" Frank is not crazy as he only shoots his arrows to Catholics and no one else, 2nd: his so called opinions and "no part of the magisterium" exhortations, have dangerous statements that we would've understand if a demon is the one proclaiming them.
* 1st "pope" ever to condemned capitalism many times in different stages and NO condemnations to communism, further more, the only time he address communism was when he said he enjoyed when young communist magazines and that he knew "good" communist people.
* 1st "pope" ever to call names on traditionalists... EVER, I mean calling them: hermenuticals, Rosary counters, dead inside, etc...
* 1st "pope" ever to tell atheists "to do good and we'll meet there" rejecting what Jesus said: "Whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:16), and his intentions on atheists are clear, as he stated on atheists in his autobiography 'on heaven and earth': "I will not say that their life is condemned"
* 1st "pope" ever …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of July 2016 Chopping Off Heads: Matteo Matzuzzi writes that in September Pope Francis will reshuffle his Curia. Cardinal Rylko, the president of the suppressed Pontifical …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of July 2016
Chopping Off Heads: Matteo Matzuzzi writes that in September Pope Francis will reshuffle his Curia. Cardinal Rylko, the president of the suppressed Pontifical Council for the Laity, will replace 77-year-old Cardinal Dziwisz in Krakow, Poland. Ultra-liberal 73-year-old Tegucigalpa Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga will take over the new Congregation for laity, family and life. Matzuzzi confirms that Francis intends to cut off the head of Cardinal Müller , the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and replace him with pro-gay and pro-divorce Vienna Cardinal Schönborn.
The Voice of Soros: The executive director at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Christopher Hale, published on July 16th on time.com the article: “Trump-Pence is the most anti-Catholic Republican ticket in modern history”. Catholic League’s Bill Donohue calls “Catholic in Alliance” a dummy group sponsored by billionaire George Soros, who supports abortion-on-…More

New martyr of Tradition. Obsessive Persecution of a spiritual child of Padre Pio by Bergoglio regime.

Father Stefano Manelli an elderly sick priest is persecuted by Bergoglio regime: Father Stefano Manelli is the new martyr of Tradition. Father Stefano Maria marked by Padre Pio of Pietrelcina and Father …More
Father Stefano Manelli an elderly sick priest is persecuted by Bergoglio regime: Father Stefano Manelli is the new martyr of Tradition.
Father Stefano Maria marked by Padre Pio of Pietrelcina and Father Maximilian Kolbe
The spiritual leader of the family was the holy Capuchin, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. From him, the young Stefano received his first Holy Communion in 1938. Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli adopt the spirit of total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary following the example of Fr. Maximillian Kolbe.
Socci: Under the Bergoglian regime in the Church. We are under an oppressive Argentine dictatorship.
The Punishment of the
Franciscans of the Immaculate by Bergoglio for being Catholics.
Reign of intimidation.
Rorate Caeli This is the new "Church of Tolerance and Mercy"! Those who love most the Roman Church, her history and her prerogatives are those to whom no tolerance is to be granted in the moment. No mercy for them. No "who am I to judge" for their motivations. Pope Benedict …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Gestas

Armutszeugnis: „Merkel bittet Migranten um Toleranz für Schweinebraten“

Wie weit ist Deutschland bereits gesunken, wenn man um Toleranz bei Migranten für die hiesigen Essgewohnheiten bittet, und das obwohl sie noch bisher die Minderheit darstellen? Ein sehr negatives …More
Wie weit ist Deutschland bereits gesunken, wenn man um Toleranz bei Migranten für die hiesigen Essgewohnheiten bittet, und das obwohl sie noch bisher die Minderheit darstellen? Ein sehr negatives Zeichen, wenn einheimische Ernährungsgewohnheiten schon zu toleranzbedürftigen Umständen erklärt werden:
[…]Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat Migranten zu Toleranz gegenüber deutschen Essgewohnheiten wie dem Verzehr von Schweinefleisch aufgerufen. „Man muss darauf achten, dass die Vielfalt unserer Angebote, wie wir sie gewöhnt sind, weiterhin erhalten bleibt“, sagte Merkel in ihrer neuen Videobotschaft.
Die Gesellschaft könne respektieren, wenn jemand bestimmte Bräuche oder bestimmte Regeln habe. „Auf der anderen Seite darf das natürlich nicht zu einer Einschränkung führen für die, die andere Regeln haben“, betonte die Kanzlerin.
Merkel bezog sich auch auf Vorschläge, aus Rücksicht auf Muslime in Schulkantinen keine Speisen mit Schweinefleisch mehr anzubieten. „Die Toleranz gehört schon …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.tv
Problems of the New Mass, the present Church crisis and the diocesan bureaucracy. Interview with Dr. Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the "Latin Mass Society" in England.More
Problems of the New Mass, the present Church crisis and the diocesan bureaucracy.
Interview with Dr. Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the "Latin Mass Society" in England.

Communion For All, Even For Protestants

In addition to the divorced and remarried, for Luther’s followers as well there are those who are giving the go-ahead for the Eucharist. Here is how “La Civiltà …
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 1st of July 2016 Selling Out: Dr Ashraf Ramelah is the president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization with offices in Italy and the U.S.. Ramelah criticizes Pope …More
Gloria.TV News on the 1st of July 2016
Selling Out: Dr Ashraf Ramelah is the president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization with offices in Italy and the U.S.. Ramelah criticizes Pope Francis for – quote – “selling out Egyptian Christians to buy good relations with Islam.” Referring to Francis’ meeting with the grand imam Ahmed El-Tayeb of Cairo’s Al-Ahzar Mosque Institute, Ramelah writes: “The Catholic pope gives the “sign of peace” to the grand imam who has yet been unwilling to denounce ISIS.”
No Words: Ramelah notices, that two days before the meeting, a Muslim mob attacked a Christian-majority village in Upper Egypt. Homes where razed and a grandmother was stripped naked, dragged from her house and beaten in the street. Ramelah comments: “No words came from either of the leaders in the “Jubilee of Mercy” meeting (its official title) to address this incident.”
Wrong Message: Pope Francis said that the meeting with the grand imam was the message. Ramelah comments that …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Rafał_Ovile
Islamic Sexuality A Survey Of Evil. www.losdiscipulos.org Islamic Sexuality A Survey Of EvilMore
Islamic Sexuality A Survey Of Evil.
www.losdiscipulos.org Islamic Sexuality A Survey Of Evil
Leonard Wessell shares from Rafał_Ovile

Huge Islamist weapons depot found in Germany

Huge Islamist weapons depot found in Germany A huge weapons depot belonging to radical Islamists was found in Nordrhein-Westfalen, near a mosque. The top secret search took place a week ago and a large …More
Huge Islamist weapons depot found in Germany
A huge weapons depot belonging to radical Islamists was found in Nordrhein-Westfalen, near a mosque. The top secret search took place a week ago and a large cache of war grade weapons were found, reports the Hessian representative Ismail Tipi (CDU).
Nordrhein-Westfalen, commonly shortened NRW, is the most populous state of Germany, with a population of approximately 18 million, and the fourth largest by area. Its capital is Düsseldorf; the biggest city is Cologne.
According to information from the Hessian CDU representative Ismail Tipi, about a week ago a top secret search by SEC (Spezialeinsatzcommando – or SWAT team) in Northrhein-Westfalen took place. In the refrigerator room of a grocer/vegetable seller located near a mosque, lots of weapons were discovered and seized.
“According to my information, a weapons arsenal with war grade weapons was found in this search. The danger of fundamentalist Salafists who are ready
to use violence arming …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Zosiasamosia

Papst Franziskus fällt verfolgten Christen in den Rücken – „Mir gefällt es nicht, wenn man von Genozid an den Christen spricht“

Am vergangenen 8. Juni startete das katholische Hilfswerk Kirche in Not – Italien (KiN) eine Sensibilisierungskampagne, mit der das Parlament aufgefordert wird, die blutige Verfolgung, Vertreibung …More
Am vergangenen 8. Juni startete das katholische Hilfswerk Kirche in Not – Italien (KiN) eine Sensibilisierungskampagne, mit der das Parlament aufgefordert wird, die blutige Verfolgung, Vertreibung und Ermordung der Christen in Syrien und im Irak als Völkermord anzuerkennen. Ganz anders sieht es Papst Franziskus, er desavouierte die Initiative und fiel den verfolgten Christen im Nahen Osten und in anderen Teilen der Welt in den Rücken. Am vergangenen 29. April wurde der berühmte Trevi-Brunnen in Rom von Kirche in Not in ein blutrotes Licht getaucht, das Blut der christlichen Märtyrer. Mit dieser spektakulären Aktion wollte das Hilfswerk auf das Leiden der verfolgten Christen in der Welt, besonders im Nahen Osten, in Pakistan und in Nigeria, aufmerksam machen. Vertreter der verfolgten Christen, darunter Bischöfe des Nahen Ostens und der Bruder des ermordeten pakistanischen Minderheitenministers Shahbaz Bhatti dankten für diese Solidarität.
Die Kampagne wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der …More
Gloria Global am 20. Juni 2016 Spaemann gegen Bergoglio Deutschland. Papst Franziskus vergleicht seine Kritiker gerne mit den Schriftgelehrten. Doch dieses Urteil fällt gemäß dem deutschen Philosophen …More
Gloria Global am 20. Juni 2016
Spaemann gegen Bergoglio
Deutschland. Papst Franziskus vergleicht seine Kritiker gerne mit den Schriftgelehrten. Doch dieses Urteil fällt gemäß dem deutschen Philosophen Robert Spaemann auf ihn selbst zurück. Denn gerade die Schriftgelehrten waren es, welche die Ehescheidung verteidigten und die strikte Haltung Jesu verurteilten.
Frisierte Aussage
Vatikan. Am Donnerstag behauptete Papst Franziskus, dass – Zitat: „die große Mehrheit“ der Ehen ungültig sei. Im offiziellen Transkript der Rede wurde diese Aussage frisiert. Dort wird dem Papst in den Mund gelegt, dass – Zitat: „ein Teil“ der Ehen ungültig sei.
USA. Der Journalist Adam Shaw fordert auf Foxnews den Rücktritt von Franziskus. Sein unkluges und arrogantes Pontifikat verwüste die Kirche seit drei Jahren. Die jüngste Aussage, dass die große Mehrheit der Ehen ungültig sei, bezeichnet Shaw als weder wahr noch weise noch fair. Der Papst säe Zweifel, welche die Eheleute in Krisen zum …More