Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of June 2016 Pontifical Nonsense: Last Thursday, during the opening of a pastoral conference of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis not only claimed that – quote – “a big …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of June 2016
Pontifical Nonsense: Last Thursday, during the opening of a pastoral conference of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis not only claimed that – quote – “a big majority of our sacramental marriages are null” and that many concubinages are true marriages. Referring to Jesus’ meeting with the adulteress Francis also said that Christ was – quote – “a little behaving like a fool”, and by saving her from being stoned – quote – “he failed against morality”. Francis also claimed that Jesus was not – quote - “clean”.
Misguided: On June 6th TV2000 which belongs to the Italian Bishops’ Conference invited three practicing homosexuals which Avvenire, the daily of the of bishops, called – “Christian LGBT”. La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana points out that this expression is an oxymoron not less scandalous than the expression “Christian abortionists”. The outcome of the program was that God approves everything we do. Amoris Laetitia was quoted in support of this misguided …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of June 2016 Like A Cancer: In an interview with Gloria.tv Bishop Athanasius Schneider who was born in Soviet Union from a German family, warned of belittling the deep crisis …More
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of June 2016
Like A Cancer: In an interview with Gloria.tv Bishop Athanasius Schneider who was born in Soviet Union from a German family, warned of belittling the deep crisis of the Church. Quote: “We have seen in the past two years, how even from the lips of cardinals words were uttered which were against the Catholic faith.” Bishop Schneider also asks for a correction of Amoris Laetitia otherwise the mistakes in this document will spread in the Church like a cancer.
Perverted Parody: Fr John Hunwicke, a convert from Anglicanism, commented on the Orlando homosex nightclub shooting: “The Hierarchs of the Spirit of this Age will use this atrocity for their own purposes. Treating the victims as martyrs for a noble cause is likely to become a stock element in the perverted parody of the moral high ground, which the Powers of Evil seek to inculcate. And it will become part of a campaign, which, if it succeeds, will lead to the increasingly violent persecution of …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Sonia Chrisye

Das verwaiste Vermächtnis - „Die neue Central Demokratische Union, die CDU II

28. Mai 2016 11:05 Essay Das verwaiste Vermächtnis Geschrieben von - Dr. Mária Schmidt Masterplan – Merkelplan? Merkel arbeitet seit 2011 an einem Paradigmenwechsel, dessen Zweck es ist, die christlich …More
28. Mai 2016 11:05
Das verwaiste Vermächtnis

Geschrieben von - Dr. Mária Schmidt
Masterplan – Merkelplan? Merkel arbeitet seit 2011 an einem Paradigmenwechsel, dessen Zweck es ist, die christlich-demokratische CDU zu entchristianisieren, das heißt die Bedeutung des im Namen der Partei vorkommenden Buchstabens „C” von christlich in central, also zentral zu verändern. Die neue, Merkelsche, entchristianisierte Central Demokratische Union ist zu einer Partei geworden, die offen für die atheistischen und andersgläubigen, sprich: muslimischen Massen ist.
Betrachtet Altkanzler Helmut Kohl nicht Nachfolgerin Merkel, sondern etwa Ungarns Premier Orbán als Erben seines politischen Vermächtnisses?
Die Entscheidung
Eine Willkommenskultur zu entwickeln (...) ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Zukunftssicherung unseres Landes. Für die Sicherung von Frieden und Wohlstand sind Austausch und Begegnungen unverzichtbar. - Sigmar Gabriel, SPD-Vorsitzender Unser Land wird sich ändern, und zwar drastisch. …More
Leonard Wessell shares from Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of June 2016 Promoting Homosexualism: Vienna Cardinal Schönborn is not only Pope Francis’ most important interpreter of Amoris Laetitia but also the leading promoter of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of June 2016
Promoting Homosexualism: Vienna Cardinal Schönborn is not only Pope Francis’ most important interpreter of Amoris Laetitia but also the leading promoter of homosexualism among the cardinals. He confirmed this last Friday when he showed up at the Red Ribbon Celebration Concert in Vienna. The event promotes homosexualism under the guise of fighting AIDS.
Dancing Bear for Homosexuals: The organizer of the Vienna Red Ribbon Celebration is Austria’s most notorious homosexual, Gery Keszler. He also organizes the Vienna Life Ball, the biggest homosex Aids event in Europe. Usually, Keszler enters the event with supporters of homosex pseudo-marriage like Holywood stars Sharon Stone or Charlize Theron. This year, he had Schönborn as trophy at his side.
Invisible: Schönborn presented himself with a hidden pectoral cross but with a very visible homosexualistic red ribbon on his jacket. He also gave a speech on stage.
A Murmur: According to vienna.at a murmur …More