Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France. He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s. …More
Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France.
He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s.
The accuser says there are many more accusers who say that Radier came to the boys' dormitory almost every night to commit his crimes.
After 48 hours in police custody, Radier was charged with rape, released and placed under judicial supervision with an obligation to report to the police once a month.
Pending the outcome of the investigation, Radier has been banned from having contact with minors. During a search of his home, the public prosecutor's office took hard disks, which has yet to be examined.
Another case of sexual abuse among FSSPX priests is that of Father Arnaud Rostand, who admitted in court two months ago to having abused several minors. A year ago, Father Pierre de Maillard was convicted of abusing 27 minors. Father Matthew Stafki was sentenced to prison for abusing his 6-…More
The perpatrador uses intimidation and fear to keep the victims quiet. Perverts including priests who abuse children need to be held accountable for their actions. They held a trusted position that God granted them, and abused their power. One the flip side, Our Lady warned us and said many will suffer. Cardinal Pell as an example. Sad, his was a case of white martyrdom. I wrote to him while he was …More
The perpatrador uses intimidation and fear to keep the victims quiet. Perverts including priests who abuse children need to be held accountable for their actions. They held a trusted position that God granted them, and abused their power. One the flip side, Our Lady warned us and said many will suffer. Cardinal Pell as an example. Sad, his was a case of white martyrdom. I wrote to him while he was prison. May he rest in peace.
Martin Blackshaw
Yes, I know that certain parts of the U.S. have had their own troubles with SSPX clericalism and other cult-like behaviour. Indeed, I know of good American priests who have been treated very badly by Menzingen for raising concerns about certain teaching methods in the schools, etc. In the grand scheme of things, the good SSPX priests far outweigh the rougue element. The problem is that …More

Yes, I know that certain parts of the U.S. have had their own troubles with SSPX clericalism and other cult-like behaviour. Indeed, I know of good American priests who have been treated very badly by Menzingen for raising concerns about certain teaching methods in the schools, etc. In the grand scheme of things, the good SSPX priests far outweigh the rougue element. The problem is that the rogue element seems to enjoy the protection of the Menzingen elite, and that's very worrying. These clericalist types follow the methods of the Gospel Pharisees, which is precisely why you have correctly observed that they act contrary to the spirit of Our Lord and His Church.