Today is the First Friday of the month. The First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has many promises attached to those true faithful who are committed to the devotion, including final …More
Today is the First Friday of the month. The First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has many promises attached to those true faithful who are committed to the devotion, including final perseverence. The devotion traditionally obliges Catholics to receive Holy Communion on First Fridays. However, because there are not many fully Catholic options available for Mass in our day, those in a state of grace can partake in a spiritual communion, after saying the Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart & the following prayers at fixed times of the day:
Some Prayers to the Sacred Heart:
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love Thee, and desire to love Thee more and more!
O Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, enflame our hearts with the love of Thee!
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, mayest Thou be known, loved & adored throughout the whole world!
O Heart of my dear Redeemer, may the love of Thy friends make amends for the insults and constant neglect which Thou sustainest!
"New study finds extended use of ‘best’ COVID masks may cause cancer, liver damage" “... A new study suggests that the types of masks billed as most effective may actually contain dangerous & potentially …More
"New study finds extended use of ‘best’ COVID masks may cause cancer, liver damage"
“... A new study suggests that the types of masks billed as most effective may actually contain dangerous & potentially even cancer-inducing chemicals.
The Daily Mail reports that according to a study by researchers from South Korea’s Jeonbuk National University, published in the journal Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety & on the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) website, KFAD and KF94 disposable masks release 8x the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).
TVOCs are linked to headaches, breathing difficulty, & nausea, & with sufficiently-prolonged exposure even nerve system & liver damage as well as cancer.
KFAD & KF94 masks are the dominant equivalent of KN95s in South Korea, filtering out just 1% fewer particles than the surgical masks preferred in the US, which raises the possibility of the same masks carrying the same …More
St. Raymond Nonnatus, O. de M. Confessor August 31st “Born 1200 or 1204 at Portello in the Diocese of Urgel in Catalonia; died at Cardona, 31 August, 1240... Of noble but poor family, he showed early …More
St. Raymond Nonnatus, O. de M.
August 31st

“Born 1200 or 1204 at Portello in the Diocese of Urgel in Catalonia; died at Cardona, 31 August, 1240... Of noble but poor family, he showed early traits of piety and great talent. His father ordered him to tend a farm, but later gave him permission to take the habit with the Mercedarians at Barcelona, at the hands of the founder, St. Peter Nolasco. Raymond made such progress in the religious life that he was soon considered worthy to succeed his master in the office of ransomer. He was sent to Algiers and liberated many captives. When money failed he gave himself as a hostage. He was zealous in teaching the Christian religion and made many converts, which embittered the Mohammedan authorities.
Raymond was subjected to all kinds of indignities and cruelty, was made to run the gauntlet, and was at last sentenced to impalement. The hope of a greater sum of money as ransom caused the governor to commute the sentence into More
Historical Examples Of Approved Theologians Teaching Error A widespread error in our day is the use of fallible statements made by theologians to support the heretical idea that people can be saved …More
Historical Examples Of Approved Theologians Teaching Error
A widespread error in our day is the use of fallible statements made by theologians to support the heretical idea that people can be saved outside the Catholic Church. However, there are numerous examples of theologians being in error. Some wrongly claim that Catholics do not have the authority to understand Catholic dogma, and that one should read the thoughts of theologians instead. This erroneous notion is refuted by Catholic dogma:
Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 13, Chap. 4: “These are the matters which in general it seemed well to the sacred Council to teach to the faithful of Christ regarding the sacrament of order. It has, however, resolved to condemn the contrary in definite and appropriate canons in the following manner, so that all, making use of the rule of faith, with the assistance of Christ, may be able to recognize more easily the Catholic truth in the midst of the darkness of so many errors.”

Historical Examples Of Approved Theologians Teaching Error

Bro. Peter Dimond A false doctrine has become somewhat widespread in our day among those who deny the Church’s teaching on salvation and baptism …
Matthew 18:17 is an excellent verse for refuting Protestantism & "Orthodoxy", but it also refutes the heresy that the "invincibly ignorant" can be saved in ignorance of the Gospel. In Matthew 18:17,More
Matthew 18:17 is an excellent verse for refuting Protestantism & "Orthodoxy", but it also refutes the heresy that the "invincibly ignorant" can be saved in ignorance of the Gospel. In Matthew 18:17, Our Lord teaches that those who do not hear the church are to be treated the same as a heathen - that includes the "invincibly ignorant". That means that one has to hear the church and cannot be ignorant of her basic teachings to be saved. Heathens aren't saved, nor can they be saved as heathens (Psalm 95:5 & 1 Corinthians 10:20). Our Lord does not leave any possibility for those who die as heathens to be saved, because none exist. The Gospel is hid to those who are lost (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
Both the Bible & Catholic dogma (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence, etc.) plainly teach that those who don't believe are already condemned (John 3:18), further refuting the heresy that those who don't believe in Our Lord & the Gospel can be saved, as many false traditionalist non-Catholic groups …More
The Apocalypse Now in the Vatican Telegram chat has been disbanded because of scammers & strangers mysteriously entering the group without permission. Going forward, the new chat will be invite-only &…More
The Apocalypse Now in the Vatican Telegram chat has been disbanded because of scammers & strangers mysteriously entering the group without permission. Going forward, the new chat will be invite-only & separate from the channel.
If you are:
1) A traditional Catholic who 100% supports MHFM, or
2) you have seen their material and are seeking to convert...
... You can send me a message on Telegram @apocalypserevelation, tell me what you believe/if you seek conversion & I'm happy to help you & consider you for the group.
Why Mary is Not the Co-Redemptrix or Co-Redeemer Many who claim to be Catholic today wrongly believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the "Co-redemptrix" or "Co-redeemer". Mary of course has a very …More
Why Mary is Not the Co-Redemptrix or Co-Redeemer
Many who claim to be Catholic today wrongly believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the "Co-redemptrix" or "Co-redeemer". Mary of course has a very special place in Heaven & in the Church: her prayers are crucial to obtain graces needed for salvation. However, Mary does not redeem along with Christ. Only Christ is the Redeemer. This video proves that Mary is not the co-redeemer. It cites infallible Catholic dogma, proving that the view of Mary as co-redemptrix is not a Catholic position.
Many claiming to be Catholic believe as if it is absurd to suggest that Francis is not the Pope, scoffing at the idea of Francis possibly being an Antipope. They should read about the Great Western …More
Many claiming to be Catholic believe as if it is absurd to suggest that Francis is not the Pope, scoffing at the idea of Francis possibly being an Antipope. They should read about the Great Western Schism in 1378-1417, when there were several Antipopes, reigning from Rome, while masses of different Catholics believed that the false claimants were true Popes.
Satanic Rock Music Exposed - Aleister Crowley & The Demonic Roots of Rock And Roll In our day, there are many forms of sinful entertainment which distance countless people from the truth & from God. …More
Satanic Rock Music Exposed - Aleister Crowley & The Demonic Roots of Rock And Roll
In our day, there are many forms of sinful entertainment which distance countless people from the truth & from God. Rock music, pop music & other forms of modern music have their roots in sin, satanism & the occult. It's crucial that people avoid sinful entertainment, which hinders or blocks the grace needed to please Our Lord & obtain salvation.
St. Irenaeus, Fragments 34, A.D. 190: For as we are lepers in sin, we are made clean, by means of the sacred water and the invocation of the Lord, from our old transgressions; being spiritually …More
St. Irenaeus, Fragments 34, A.D. 190: For as we are lepers in sin, we are made clean, by means of the sacred water and the invocation of the Lord, from our old transgressions; being spiritually regenerated as new-born babes, even as the Lord has declared: ‘Unless a man be born again through water and the Spirit, he shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.’”
The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"
There are many who owe much to the good Brothers at Most Holy Family Monastery. Many (including me) would not have converted to the authentic Catholic faith without their apostolate. They need our …More
There are many who owe much to the good Brothers at Most Holy Family Monastery. Many (including me) would not have converted to the authentic Catholic faith without their apostolate. They need our prayers. We ought to say a prayer for them every day, even if it is a short prayer: for Bro. Michael, Bro. Peter, Bro. Jerome & any others helping them at the monastery. They put forth incredible effort into helping people amend their lives amidst many hardships over the years. This is a prayer I have been sharing since shortly after my conversion:
May the Lord Our God bless Most Holy Family Monastery more than Almighty God has blessed me: I have come to the truth and have the chance to escape the fires of Hell. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Benedict & all the saints intercede on my behalf for the sake of Most Holy Family Monastery: that the Holy Spirit may work through their crucial apostolate in these final times, so that as many souls that can be saved may be saved, through Jesus Christ …More
Anatolius Of Constantinople Acknowledged Leo’s Authority Over Chalcedon Question: Canon 28 of the 4th ecumenical council states, "The bishop of New Rome (Constantinople) shall enjoy the same privileges …More
Anatolius Of Constantinople Acknowledged Leo’s Authority Over Chalcedon
Question: Canon 28 of the 4th ecumenical council states, "The bishop of New Rome (Constantinople) shall enjoy the same privileges as the bishop of Old Rome, on account of the removal of the Empire. For this reason the [metropolitans] of Pontus, of Asia, and of Thrace, as well as the Barbarian bishops shall be ordained by the bishop of Constantinople." Is this a false council?
MHFM: Chalcedon was a true council. But canon 28 was not approved. Pope St. Leo the Great rejected it at the time. Canon 28 was therefore not an official act of the council.
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (#15), June 29, 1896: The 28th Canon of the Council of Chalcedon, by the very fact that it lacks the assent and approval of the Apostolic See, is admitted by all to be worthless.”
MHFM: In fact, in a letter to Pope St. Leo the Great, the Patriarch of Constantinople at the time (Anatolius) acknowledged that the whole force and confirmation of …More
It's important that people know how truly evil John Paul II was. John Paul II was not a saint: he was an antipope (a heretical & non-canonically elected false claimant to the Papacy). He committed …More
It's important that people know how truly evil John Paul II was. John Paul II was not a saint: he was an antipope (a heretical & non-canonically elected false claimant to the Papacy). He committed public acts of idolatry condemned by Catholic teaching & the Bible, amidst numerous other blasphemies & heresies condemned by the Catholic Church. John Paul II also played a significant role in apocalyptic end times Bible prophecy.
The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign
Benedict XVI in his book "God And the World" questioned the existence of the 10 Commandments & claimed that Jews are excused for rejecting Christ. He also publicly prayed with Muslims in a mosque (who …More
Benedict XVI in his book "God And the World" questioned the existence of the 10 Commandments & claimed that Jews are excused for rejecting Christ. He also publicly prayed with Muslims in a mosque (who reject that Jesus is God) & he participated in a Jewish service in a synagogue (in which Jews prayed for the coming of a different 'Messiah') - both were public acts of apostasy.
In light of Catholic teaching, Catholics must reject Benedict XVI as a heretic. He was an antipope. Long before his election, Benedict XVI was a public heretic. He was instrumental in ushering in Vatican II, which teaches numerous heresies that have been condemned. Heretics also can't be validly elected Pope, as defined by Paul IV in the papal bull Cum Ex Apostulatus Officio.
Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?
Today, August 19th is the feast day of St. John Eudes, a 17th-century French saint. St. John Eudes emphasized the necessity of the Catholic faith in order to truly worship God & be saved, contrary to …More
Today, August 19th is the feast day of St. John Eudes, a 17th-century French saint. St. John Eudes emphasized the necessity of the Catholic faith in order to truly worship God & be saved, contrary to what many people (even many claiming to be traditional Catholics) believe today. St. John Eudes also stressed the significance of water baptism, which many wrongly think is optional, when Our Lord, the Bible & the Catholic Church teach that baptism is required for salvation.
St. John Eudes (c. 1660): The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation.”
“An Enormous Sin” To Deny Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation
Is This Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons? DEWs & The Maui "Wildfires" The Truth About the Quebec Forest Fires What The Conspiracy-Controlled Media Won't Tell You About The Quebec Forest FiresMore
Is This Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons? DEWs & The Maui "Wildfires"
The Truth About the Quebec Forest Fires
What The Conspiracy-Controlled Media Won't Tell You About The Quebec Forest Fires
Australia Enslaved & the Plan for the World
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World - Must-See New Video
"15 Minute Cities" - Control Grid for Total Enslavement
Photos Leaked Of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months In Isolation In A Closet Room “January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021. …More
Photos Leaked Of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months In Isolation In A Closet Room
“January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.
During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021.
Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit received exclusive photos from Ryan Samsel’s prison cell at the FDC in Philadelphia. The cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time. The cell had a thin blue mattress, no sheets or blankets, no clothing, and he was kept here for five months straight.
The photos are just shocking. This is taking place in America today...
Ryan told The Gateway Pundit in a conversation this week, “I was kept in … a hard cell. And in that particular cell about five, six months. I even told you what was happening is the judge was actually calling, trying to get in …More

Photos Leaked Of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months In Isolation In A Closet Room

January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021…
Greek Schismatic Forgery: Acts Of Chalcedon MHFM: On many occasions in Church history dissident Eastern schismatics forged or manipulated documents in a dishonest attempt to undermine the truth of the …More
Greek Schismatic Forgery: Acts Of Chalcedon
MHFM: On many occasions in Church history dissident Eastern schismatics forged or manipulated documents in a dishonest attempt to undermine the truth of the papacy or another Catholic dogma. Here’s an example from the Greek version of the Acts of Chalcedon.
The compilers [of the Greek Acts of Chalcedon], when assembling the letters that went back and forth between Italy and Constantinople in 449-450, seem to have gone out of their way to diminish Pope Leo’s prominence by emphasizing instead the complaints of western emperor Valentinian III and the Imperial Princesses Galla Placidia and Licinia Eudoxia against Ephesus II, and their demands for a new council. One of Leo’s letters, as edited for the Greek Acts, was even mutilated to remove passages where the pope cited canonical authorities for his claim of jurisdiction to hear appeals from eastern bishops.
The session acts themselves likewise show occasional traces of editing meant to undercut …More
Can Non-Catholics Survive The Three Days of Darkness (According To The Theory)? There are many holes in the Three Days of Darkness theory, which is pushed with the help of hoaxes (like the phony Padre …More
Can Non-Catholics Survive The Three Days of Darkness (According To The Theory)?
There are many holes in the Three Days of Darkness theory, which is pushed with the help of hoaxes (like the phony Padre Pio letter), false apparitions & fallible sources. What is infallible is holy scripture, which clearly prophesied that what is happening right now (especially in Rome) is what happens at the end of days. The video link below thoroughly exposes both the Three Days of Darkness & Great Catholic Monarch theories as false.
Three Days of Darkness or Third Secret of Fatima
Three Days of Darkness or Third Secret of Fatima

Can Non-Catholics Survive The Three Days of Darkness (According To The Theory)?

In the recent video posted, The Great Monarch Theory Is False, the point is made that the Great Monarch theory (among other …
St. Robert Bellarmine vs. Antipopes Francis And Benedict XVI On Judas’ Fate MHFM: St. Robert Bellarmine correctly taught, based on the words of Scripture, that Judas was damned. St. Robert Bellarmine, …More
St. Robert Bellarmine vs. Antipopes Francis And Benedict XVI On Judas’ Fate
MHFM: St. Robert Bellarmine correctly taught, based on the words of Scripture, that Judas was damned.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 14: “But it is firmly established that Judas was reprobate and damned, both from the passage where he is called ‘the son of perdition’ [John 17:12] and from Matthew 26, where the Lord says concerning Judas: ‘It would be better for that man if he had not been born.’”
However, the heretics Antipope Francis and Antipope Benedict XVI taught that Judas might have been saved.
Francis, Jan. 19, 2018: “None of us can say that a person has not gone to heaven. I will tell you something that might surprise you: we cannot even say it about Judas.”
Benedict XVI, Oct. 18, 2006: “This poses two questions when it comes to explaining what happened [with Judas]. The first consists in asking ourselves how it was possible that Jesus chose this man and trusted him. In fact, …More