„Das 3. Geheimnis von Fatima“ von Bruder Michael Dimond OSB. Es enthüllt entscheidende Informationen, die man wissen muss. Es erklärt die enorme Bedeutung des dritten Geheimnisses und seine enge …Mehr
„Das 3. Geheimnis von Fatima“ von Bruder Michael Dimond OSB. Es enthüllt entscheidende Informationen, die man wissen muss. Es erklärt die enorme Bedeutung des dritten Geheimnisses und seine enge Verbindung zur biblischen Prophetie.
The Third Secret Of Fatima
Wer französisch, spanisch, italienisch oder portugiesisch beherrscht, kann sich dieses Video (das beste und zuverlässigste!) über das [wahre] dritte Geheimnis von Fatima auch in diesen Sprachen ansehen. Geht auf die Website und von dort auf den Link „Andere Sprachen“.

Katholische Kirche

Wichtige geistliche Informationen: Verehrung der Heiligen Jungfrau Maria und Beten des Rosenkranzes Die falsche „Schwester Lucia“ von Fatima Die heutige Hoffnung ist vergeblich, da …
Ihr solltet euch diesen wichtigen Link ansehen - die erhabene Rolle der Jungfrau Maria im Christentum und dass sie wirklich die Muttergottes ist, ihre Unbefleckte Empfängnis, ihre immerwährende …Mehr
Ihr solltet euch diesen wichtigen Link ansehen - die erhabene Rolle der Jungfrau Maria im Christentum und dass sie wirklich die Muttergottes ist, ihre Unbefleckte Empfängnis, ihre immerwährende Sündlosigkeit und Jungfräulichkeit, ihre leibliche Aufnahme in den Himmel, und vieles mehr. ✝🙏❣
Zu Ostern möchte ich Euch dieses Video empfehlen – es enthält atemberaubende Informationen über Jesus Christus und Sein Grabtuch, eines der größten Wunder der Kirchengeschichte: Creation and Miracles …Mehr
Zu Ostern möchte ich Euch dieses Video empfehlen – es enthält atemberaubende Informationen über Jesus Christus und Sein Grabtuch, eines der größten Wunder der Kirchengeschichte:
Creation and Miracles - Condensed Version
Creation and Miracles – Condensed Version
The Shroud of Turin - Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Das Turiner Grabtuch beweist, dass Jesus Christus gelebt hat, gestorben und auferstanden ist: dass Er nicht nur ein wahrer Mensch, sondern auch wahrer Gott ist. Er ist eine der drei göttlichen Personen der Allerheiligsten Dreifaltigkeit.
Das Grabtuch von Turin beweist auch, dass katholische Reliquien wundertätig sind, und dass der überlieferte katholische Glaube (ganz und unversehrt) die einzig wahre Religion ist und dass es für das ewige Heil absolut notwendig ist, ihn zu befolgen und zu bekennen.

The Shroud of Turin - Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

4425 Schneider Road, Fillmore, NY 14735, USA | Toll-Free: 1-800-275-1126 • Phone: 1-585-567-4433 | Email: Unless otherwise …
✝ Die Geißelung Jesu Christi Die Geißelung Jesu Christi 3-minütiges Video (katholische Betrachtung)Mehr
✝ Die Geißelung Jesu Christi
Die Geißelung Jesu Christi
3-minütiges Video (katholische Betrachtung)

Die Geißelung Jesu Christi

In den Evangelien wird die Geißelung Jesu Christi mit einem einzigen Satz wiedergegeben: Er wurde ergriffen und gegeißelt. Die vollständige Grauenhaftigkeit der Bestrafung …
✝️ Heute ist Gründonnerstag. Hier ist eine hervorragende Betrachtung (10 Minuten) über DEN TODESKAMPF JESU IM GARTEN GETSEMANIMehr
✝️ Heute ist Gründonnerstag.
Hier ist eine hervorragende Betrachtung (10 Minuten) über DEN TODESKAMPF JESU IM GARTEN GETSEMANI
Ein Mann sieht für 3 Minuten die Hölle – ein schockierendes Video, das man unbedingt sehen muss

Man Shot & Saw Hell - Shocking Must-See Video

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pater pauperum
Protestantismus ist eine Irrlehre
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✝️ 🙏 ❣️ Heute ist das Christkönigsfest in der wahren katholischen Liturgie. Siehe [englische Original-Website] und [teilweise übersetzt ins Deutsche] für …Mehr
✝️ 🙏 ❣️ Heute ist das Christkönigsfest in der wahren katholischen Liturgie.
Siehe [englische Original-Website] und [teilweise übersetzt ins Deutsche] für die volle katholische Wahrheit in unserer zutiefst apokalyptischen Zeit.
✝️ ❣️ 🙏 Die Göttliche Mutterschaft Mariens #Muttergottes #Gottesmutter #Maria englisches HörbuchMehr
✝️ ❣️ 🙏 Die Göttliche Mutterschaft Mariens
#Muttergottes #Gottesmutter #Maria
englisches Hörbuch
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary October 11th “The object of this feast is to commemorate the dignity of the Mary as Mother of God. Mary is truly the Mother of Christ, who in one person unites the …Mehr
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
October 11th

“The object of this feast is to commemorate the dignity of the Mary as Mother of God. Mary is truly the Mother of Christ, who in one person unites the human and divine nature. This title was solemnly ratified by the Council of Ephesus, 22 June, 431. The hymns used in the office of the feast also allude to Mary's dignity as the spiritual mother of men. The love of Mary for all mankind was that of a mother, for she shared all the feelings of her son whose love for men led Him to die for our redemption (Hunter, Dogm.Theo. 2, 578)...” (1913, The Catholic Encyclopedia)
The Ark of the New Covenant: The Bible Shows Why We Need Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant - Absolute Proof!
See also:
The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd Edition)
"And when the third night is past, thou shalt take the virgin with the fear of the Lord, moved rather for love of children than for lust, that in the seed of Abraham thou mayest obtain a blessing in …Mehr
"And when the third night is past, thou shalt take the virgin with the fear of the Lord, moved rather for love of children than for lust, that in the seed of Abraham thou mayest obtain a blessing in children". - Tobias 6:22
NFP: A Birth Control Deception
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 8th “... The earliest document commemorating this feast comes from the sixth century. St. Romanus, the great ecclesiastical lyrist of the Greek ChurchMehr
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 8th

“... The earliest document commemorating this feast comes from the sixth century. St. Romanus, the great ecclesiastical lyrist of the Greek Church, composed for it a hymn (Card. Pitra, "Hymnogr. Graeca"...)... St. Romanus... composed his hymns between 536-556... Since the story of Mary's Nativity is known only from apocryphal sources, the Latin Church was slow in accepting this oriental festival...
[According to] The church of Angers in France... St. Maurilius instituted this feast at Angers in consequence of a revelation about 430. On the night of 8 Sept., a man heard the angels singing in heaven, and on asking the reason, they told him they were rejoicing because the Virgin was born on that night (La fête angevine N.D. de France, IV, Paris, 1864, 188)...” (1913, The Catholic Encyclopedia)
Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Hail Heart Most Holy by St. Mechtilde, edited by St. John Eudes Hail, Heart most holy, Hail, Heart most meek, Hail, Heart most humble, Hail, Heart most pure, Hail, Heart most devout, Hail, Heart most wise, …Mehr
Hail Heart Most Holy
by St. Mechtilde, edited by St. John Eudes
Hail, Heart most holy, Hail, Heart most meek, Hail, Heart most humble,
Hail, Heart most pure, Hail, Heart most devout, Hail, Heart most wise,
Hail, Heart most patient, Hail, Heart most obedient, Hail, Heart most vigilant,
Hail, Heart most faithful, Hail, Heart most blessed, Hail, Heart most merciful,
Hail, most loving Heart of Jesus and Mary;
We adore Thee, we praise Thee, we glorify Thee, We give Thee thanks; We love Thee with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. We offer Thee our heart; we give it to Thee; we consecrate it to Thee; we immolate it to Thee. Receive it – and possess it wholly. Purify it, enlighten it, sanctify it. That Thou mayest live and reign in it now and forever. Amen
. Mary is the Mother of God & Why it's Biblical to Ask for Her Help
The "COVID" Hoax, The "Vaccine" & 5G - The New World Order Plan for Death & Global TyrannyMehr
The "COVID" Hoax, The "Vaccine" & 5G - The New World Order Plan for Death & Global Tyranny
There are countless people who await the coming of the Antichrist, when, contrary to what many believe, the Antichrist has already come. This video proves it.
In 1884, Pope Leo XIII issued a papal encyclical, Humanum Genus, strongly condemning Freemasonry. The encyclical declared that no one can join Freemasonry & remain a Catholic. He condemned any …Mehr
In 1884, Pope Leo XIII issued a papal encyclical, Humanum Genus, strongly condemning Freemasonry. The encyclical declared that no one can join Freemasonry & remain a Catholic. He condemned any involvement with Freemasons, other than out of complete necessity or under the strictest of circumstances. Leo XIII also warned that secret societies were subverting governments, institutions & even churches in an attempt to destroy the Catholic Church.
Some time after the Holy See issued Humanum Genus, Albert Pike, the "Supreme Pontiff of Scottish Rite Freemasonry", sent a letter in reply. Albert Pike mocked & threatened the Catholic Church. He declared that Freemasonry was at war with the Church, arrogantly claimed that Freemasonry would rise & that the Catholic Church would fall.
Albert Pike wrote in his book "Morals and Dogma" that 'Lucifer is god' alongside the One True God. Elsewhere, Pike wrote that all 30th°, 31st° & 32nd° Scottish Rite Freemasons (which includes the 33°) hold theMehr
SSPX & False 'Trads' Don't Believe What Pope St. Pius X Believed (conʼt.) The fact that so many of the false traditionalists don't believe that the Catholic faith is necessary today (while claiming …Mehr
SSPX & False 'Trads' Don't Believe What Pope St. Pius X Believed (conʼt.)
The fact that so many of the false traditionalists don't believe that the Catholic faith is necessary today (while claiming the opposite, demonically speaking out of both sides of their mouths) shows that groups like the SSPX are, in fact, faithless - they sadly are phonies & do not hold the Catholic faith. Their huge $40,000,000 cathedrals won't mean anything on the Day of Judgment, because they believe a Buddhist who rejects Jesus Christ "can be in a state of grace":
Bishop Bernard Fellay, Conference in Denver, Co., Feb. 18, 2006: "Consider a Hindu in Tibet who has no knowledge of the Catholic Church. He lives according to his conscience and to the laws which God has put into his heart. He can be in the state of grace, and if he dies in this state of grace, he will go to heaven.” (The Angelus, “A Talk Heard Round the World,” April, 2006, p. 5.)
Those who 'convert' through the SSPX usually don't have a genuine …Mehr
SSPX & False 'Trads' Don't Believe What Pope St. Pius X Believed Among the many so-called "traditionalist" groups claiming to be Catholic in our day is the SSPX (Society of St. Pius X). Founded by …Mehr
SSPX & False 'Trads' Don't Believe What Pope St. Pius X Believed
Among the many so-called "traditionalist" groups claiming to be Catholic in our day is the SSPX (Society of St. Pius X). Founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the SSPX & its adherents claim they are against Modernism & that they follow what Pope St. Pius X taught. However, Archbishop Lefebvre - as well as SSPX priests today - admittedly believed that the "invincibly ignorant" can be saved without the Catholic faith, including those who practice false religions like Protestantism, Buddhism & Islam (heresy):
Bp. Lefebvre, Address at Rennes, France: “If men are saved in Protestantism, Buddhism or Islam, they are saved by the Catholic Church, by the grace of Our Lord, by the prayers of those in the Church, by the blood of Our Lord as individuals, perhaps through the practice of their religion, perhaps of what they understand in their religion, but not by their religion…”
Pope St. Pius X explicitly condemned the idea that …Mehr
Regarding Mass Attendance Today, most of the "Traditional Latin Masses" are offered by invalid priests, & the valid Traditional Latin Masses are held by heretical groups (SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV, CMRI, …Mehr
Regarding Mass Attendance
Today, most of the "Traditional Latin Masses" are offered by invalid priests, & the valid Traditional Latin Masses are held by heretical groups (SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV, CMRI, FSSP, etc.) who believe that people can be saved in false religions. These groups also impose their heresy on true Catholics who profess the truth that the Catholic faith & baptism are necessary for salvation (Matthew 18:17 & John 3:5).
The obligation to attend Sunday Mass currently does not apply, because there is not a fully Catholic option available for most today. On Sundays, people should stay home & pray the 15-decades of The Rosary. One could also have a spiritual communion (in a state of grace) & practice devotions like the Way of the Cross, etc.
If you go for confession to a priest & he asks why you don't attend Mass, I would charitably tell him that you are not entirely sure what he believes. To attend a Mass, he must answer the following questions:
1) Do you believe that non-Catholics …Mehr
St. Stephen, King of Hungary Confessor September 2nd “He was a son of the Hungarian chief Géza and was baptized, together with his father, by Archbishop St. Adalbert of Prague in 985, on which …Mehr
St. Stephen, King of Hungary
September 2nd

“He was a son of the Hungarian chief Géza and was baptized, together with his father, by Archbishop St. Adalbert of Prague in 985, on which occasion he changed his heathen name Vaik (Vojk) into Stephen. In 995 he married Gisela, a sister of Duke Henry of Bavaria, the future Emperor St. Henry II, and in 997 succeeded to the throne of Hungary. In order to make Hungary a Christian nation and to establish himself more firmly as ruler, he sent Abbot Astricus to Rome to petition Pope Sylvester II for the royal dignity and the power to establish episcopal sees. The pope acceded to his wishes and, in addition, presented him with a royal crown with which he was crowned at Gran on 17 August, 1001... He founded a monastery in Jerusalem and hospices for pilgrims at Rome, Ravenna, and Constantinople. He was a personal friend of St. Bruno of Querfurt and corresponded with Abbot St. Odilo of Cluny.
The last years of his lifeMehr
Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thine altar. We are Thine, & Thine we wish to be; but …Mehr
Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart
Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thine altar. We are Thine, & Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, & draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house lest they die of wretchedness & hunger. Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord holds aloof, & call them back to the harbor of truth & unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock & one Shepherd. Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of Islamism …Mehr