Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Why Remain Catholic ~ Fr. Ripperger

Only 4 words in Latin- nulla salus extra ecclesium
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

St John Damascene on 27th March
Great comment in his letter to Leo the Isaurian regarding heresy and bishops who care more about career than their flock
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

March 25th is the Anniversary of the Annunciation & the Crucifixion

Fr.Hewko is a true priest, outspoken defender of the Faith and the Truth.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Why is Ireland still without Mass?

For which they will pay dearly. St Patrick is rolling over in his tomb.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

The Annunciation

The Pope used to do that when we had real Popes
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Dom Guéranger: "The anniversary of the most solemn event ever witnessed. On this day, the Divine Word …

Happy New Year! This date was originally the first day of the new year as it was the beginning of salvation history.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Iceland Volcano, New Dead Sea Scrolls & God’s Wrath? - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

They’re building a new temple to the Norse gods right nearby. Might be why....
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Christianity changes the sinner to become a Saint

Jefferson wasn’t Christian, considered himself a Deist, wrote his own version of the Bible and was a Freemason.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Is it a crime to raise fat kids?

Obesity is a result of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. Some do tend more to this sin than others, just as some are more intemperate or struggle with sins of impurity. It is not necessarily a result of bad parenting but of a society that is narcissistic, comfort focused and self centered. A little exercise, healthy food and self denial might be an easy fix. I have struggled with obesity and …More
Obesity is a result of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. Some do tend more to this sin than others, just as some are more intemperate or struggle with sins of impurity. It is not necessarily a result of bad parenting but of a society that is narcissistic, comfort focused and self centered. A little exercise, healthy food and self denial might be an easy fix. I have struggled with obesity and have had to rein in my eating and ramp up my exercise.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Christians Allowed to Call God “Allah”

Allah is also called “the great deceiver”
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

A Neoconservativ Catholic Village Starts In Texas

What does Neoconservative mean? Novus Ordo with a twist?
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

“Priest has a vision of Jesus during Mass and he bursts into tears.”

I wonder if he will have the courage to take off his mask?
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Favorite from Dr. Seuss

But don’t you know that he is racist? At least 5 of his books are being removed from circulation.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Return to Mass!

But don’t go shopping on Sunday, that is the Lord’s day
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Fauci Knew About HCQ in 2005 - Nobody Needed to Die

The point is that the elites want people to die. Humanity is a burden to the planet in their eyes.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Watch And Weep: Saint-Joseph Chapel Murdered During Year of Saint Joseph

The French are going to have much to pay for their apostasy and the spread thereof. Read the prophesies of Fr. Constant Louis Marie Pel .…-great-chastisement-closes-in/
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

COVID Vaccine Rollout: ‘Tons of Celebrity Endorsements, Not a Lot of Science’

Very few vaccines are reasonable, effective and safe. Read “Vaccines, a Catholic Perspective” by Pamela Acker, available through Kolbe center, and you will never look at vaccinations the same way again.